My angel would be in my arms!

You know those delicious moments.. when you and your child are locked into each other’s gaze – laughing, smiling or just making faces? Those moments when the rest of the world disappears and you’re the parent of the most adorable child on the planet?

Few things in life can touch those times, and they are much more than just feel-good moments. All that cooing, copying of your baby’s facial expressions and mimicking her sounds lets her know that she is deeply treasured and understood. These interactions are coming back to me after a month’s time… my Angel would be in my arms tomorrow morning.. Insha’Allah!!

She has made everything in the world infinitely more interesting to me… there is something truly incredible about being given a child that I could love beyond measure… You are my daughter, my heart, my soul!!

I thank Allah (subhanahu ta’ala) for favoring & blessing me with her!

About navedz

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  1. Allah be with you and your familly.I am happy for you …i enjoy your photo,thanks…i wish you have Peace,Harmony,and Love in your life !

  2. Nice post I like it this is full advice for us and our real life is Islam and keep post continue. Thanks a lot for sharing.i really like this nice child also

  3. Jazakum Allah khiarun
    dont have any words,you can’t even describe that moments when your lovely daugher is in your hands…perfect words

  4. Very beautifully written words and very rightly expressed moments, which is beyond expression. Jazak Allah khair.