“Say I love Allah, and I love the Messenger…”

“Say I love Allah, and I love the Messenger (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam), and I love Abu Bakr, and I love Umar, and I love Uthman, and I love Ali, and I love the companions of Rasool Allah (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam), and may Allah raise me with them. Allahummah, please answer our du’a yaa Rabb…”

– Sh. Tawfique Chowdhury, Journey of Faith Conference 2008, Toronto.

The 3rd Annual Journey of Faith Islamic Conference 2010. Book your seats now!

Date : 2nd to 4th July 2010
Venue : Toronto, Canada

About navedz

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One comment

  1. I Love Greatest ALLAH, and I Love Muhammad(Peace Be Upon Him) & I Love All SAHABA(Razi Allah-o-Ajmaheen)