Don’t Lie about Dreams

Ibn ‘Umar narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu alayhi wassallam) said:

“The worst lie is that a person claims to have seen a dream which he has not seen.”

[Sahih Bukhari, Book #87, Hadith #167]

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One comment

  1. Islaam teaches struggle whereas the Barailwee beliefs and teachings have altered
    Islaam into a collective mass of mere customs and traditions. Instead of inviting
    towards Salaah4 and Sawm5 they prioritize Urs6 and Qawwaali7, Peer’ism8 and
    Nazar wa Niyaaz9 as a means to get their sins forgiven. I had not intended to pick
    up my pen on the topic of Barailwiyyah.

    Islaam teaches struggle whereas the Barailwee beliefs and teachings have altered
    Islaam into a collective mass of mere customs and traditions. Instead of inviting
    towards Salaah4 and Sawm5 they prioritize Urs6 and Qawwaali7, Peer’ism8 and
    Nazar wa Niyaaz9 as a means to get their sins forgiven. I had not intended to pick
    up my pen on the topic of Barailwiyyah.

    You can find pitti jalane wala details from the above link about Raza Khan

    The first ever Mawlid (celebration of the prophet Mohammed’s birthday was on the 12th of the Islamic month Rabee al-Awwal) was organized by Shia Fatimids they belonged to the Ismaili branch of the Shia. They ruled Egypt between the years of 297-567 Hijri year. Mawlid was organized in the palace and only the statesmen could attend them.

    The first Mawlid (celebration of the prophet Mohammed’s birthday) by Sunni Muslims was organized by Muzaffar ad-Din ibn Zain al-Din, who was the ruler of Irbil (in Iraq), in Hijri year of 604. Those ceremonies which were organized with long-term preparations were attended by all people. Muzaffar ad-Din invited Islamic scholars, student of knowledge and Sufis from the neighbouring regions to Irbil.

    The Messenger of Allah said: “Every innovation is misguidance and going astray” Reported by Abu Dawood (no. 4607), at-Tirmidhee (no. 2676) and it is saheeh. Ibn Hajr authenticated it Takhreej Ahaadeeth Ibn ul-Haajib (1/137). Plus the prophet said: “… and every innovation is misguidance and all misguidance is in the Hellfire.” Reported by an-Nasaa’ee (1/224) from Jaabir bin Abdullaah and it is saheeh as declared by Shaikh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah in Majmoo’ ul Fataawaa (3/58).

    The prophet said, “He who innovates something in this matter of ours that is not of it, will have it rejected.” Recorded in, Bukhari and Muslim. Also the prophet said, “Whoever does an act which is not in agreement with our matter, will have it rejected.” Recorded by, Muslim.

    The Prophet said, “The best of mankind are my generation (or my century), then those who come after them, then those who come after them. Then there will come, a people who will not care if their testimony comes before their oath or vice versa (i.e., they will not take such matter seriously).” Reported by, Bukhari, Muslim and al-Tirmidhee.

    Whoever says Mawlid is a bidah hasanah (good innovation), this why the prophet, the sahaba and next two generations did not know about Mawlid. It is also the reason why the four Imams (Abu Hanifah, Maalik, al-Shafi and Ahmad) who they believe all Muslims most follow did not know of Mawlid either. However this addition to the religion which came after all these great people had died could not have been good. All good came in their time this is why their generations were the best.

    Plus in Islam there is no bidah hasanah – all bidah is haram. The prophet Mohammed taught the ummah everything that was best for it. There is no way someone can teach this ummah something else that is good for the ummah but the prophet never taught the ummah. The prophet said, “Never was a prophet before me, but he disclosed to his people what he knew to be best for them, and warned them of what he knew to be evil for them.” Recorder by Muslim. Plus every act of worship that would bring any Muslim closer to Jannah (Gardens of Paradise) the prophet taught us about it. The prophet said, “There is nothing that would bring you closer to Jannah (Gardens of Paradise) and farther from the Fire but it has been clarified [by me] to you.” Recorded by Ahmad and others; authenticated by al-Albaanee and others.

    So how could Mawlid be something that leads to Jannah (Gardens of Paradise), be best for Muslims and the prophet Mohammed never knew about (let alone teach it) when the hadeeths above indicate all good act of worship the prophet taught the ummah before he died. This is why there is no bidah hasanahs (good innovations) as all good acts of worship the prophet taught the ummah.

    Moreover celebrating Mawlid is haram because a Muslim is only suppose to celebrate two festivals, Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr as these are confirmed in the sunnah of the prophet. So celebrating this day involves opposing the Sunnah of the prophet which is clear cut haram. Abu Dawood (1134) narrated that Anas said: When the Messenger of Allah came to Madeenah they had two days when they would play. He said: “What are these two days?” They said: “We used to play on these days during the Jaahiliyyah (before Islam).” The Messenger of Allah said: “Allah has given you instead of them two days that are better than them: the day of al-Adha and the day of al-Fitr.” This hadeeth was classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.

    Those who celebrate Mawlid are imitating the Christians (disbelievers) by imitating their celebration of Isa’s (Jesus) birth day (Christmas). The only differences between the two are the names of the celebrations and which one of Allahs prophets’ birthday is being celebrated.
    The prophet said, “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.” Narrated by Abu Dawood, 3512

    Also the prophet never celebrated his birthday in fact he worshiped Allah on that day by fasting. The prophet was asked about fasting on Mondays, and he said, “That is the day on which I was born (his birthday) and the day on which I was entrusted with the mission or when I was first given Revelation.” (Reported by Muslim, al-Nisaa’i and Abu Dawood).

    Those who celebrate and call to Mawlid have abounded the Sunnah of the messenger in this matter and have added their own act of worship to the religion thinking it was good. However there is no good in leaving the prophets Sunnah and adding to the religion as the Prophet Mohammed’s guidance is the best. The prophet said, “…the best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad. The most evil of things are those which are newly-invented (bidah in the religion), and every innovation (bidah) is a going astray.” Reported by, Muslim and al-Nasaai.

    Additionally those who deviate from the Prophet Mohammed’s guidance are destroyed. The Prophet said, “…. I have left you upon clear guidance. Its night is like its day. No one deviates (by doing bidah (innovation)), from it after me except that he is destroyed.” Reported by, Ahmad, Ibn Maajah (no. 43) and al-Haakim. It is declared saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaanee in as-Saheehah (no. 937).

    Allah said, “Say (O Muhammad): ‘If you (really) love Allah then follow me (Mohammed), Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Aal Imraan 3:31)


    1:16:24 PM: Ehtesham AKHTER/HDPI/HSBC:

    1:18:48 PM: Ehtesham AKHTER/HDPI/HSBC:

    yeh wala hum padh nahi pa rahein hai… kiska hai dekhiye to
    1:24:40 PM: Ehtesham AKHTER/HDPI/HSBC:

    In the last moments of Alahazrat, 2 hours, 17 minutes before his death, Mawlana Ahmad Raza Khan prescribed a list of dishes which his followers should prepare together in regards to the practice of “Fatiha.” He said as mentioned in his last directions published by his followers:

    “If possible, Fatiha should be done twice or three times a week and provided with the following things:
    1. Cold milk [dudh ka barf khana saz], if possible from buffalow milk.
    2. Chicken biryani
    3. Chicken pilaw
    4. Shami kebab, even if it is from a goat.
    5. Parathay aur balai
    6. Custard [firni]
    7. Black dentils with adrak and other condiments [lawazim]
    8. Meat of bhari kucho
    9. Apple juice
    10. Pomegranate juice
    11. Bottle of soda
    12. Cold milk [dudh ka barf]“

    Original scan of Wasaya, p. 9:

    Notice how the leader of the Barelwis ordered twice to prepare cold milk.

    Dr. Khalid Mahmud comments, “In one’s last moments pious people are busy in asking forgiveness. They are busy with dhikr and qur’anic recitation. One has thoughts about the Hereafter, but Khan sahib was busy with making a list of different kind of food.” [Mutali’a Barelwiyat, 1/21].

    Please note, the book Wasaya Sharif [plural of wasiya] has been published for years by Barelwis. Nothing from this work is disputed by the Barelwis in anyway.

    1:26:01 PM: Ehtesham AKHTER/HDPI/HSBC:
    It says in Malfuzat of Ahmad Raza Khan, “Whenever I asked for help, I always said Ya Ghawth. Once I asked help from someone else [i.e. Allah], I could not even utter His name. I only uttered Ya Ghawth with my tongue.”