WHY me, Allah? Why me?

‘WHY me, Allah? Why me? Why not anyone else? Was I the only one created to suffer difficulties in this life?’

I recall getting stuck in problems a few years back. The problem was really serious, and I had transgressed this time. I felt as though I had betrayed my own family and myself. It isn’t easy for anyone to go through a storm, especially when you have absolutely no one by your side.

I still can’t forget those painful days! As I had no one to help me, no one to talk to me, no one to listen to me and no one to stand by my side, except my family and a few friends, but the problem was something that I had to come out of myself. I was left completely alone. I felt as though even my own shadow had left me all alone. I tried many things, literally ‘many’ things to prevent myself from getting drowned into this problem.

I consulted my family members and few friends of mine to help me get out of this problem, but I seemed lost in the advices I received. I actually saw no real solution for my issues. I was left helpless and in vain as nothing seemed to bring me out of the trouble and give me direction of life.

When I found nothing to help me get out of the problem that I was facing, my last and final option was to call on Allah for help. I called on Him in every prayer of mine, I called on Him late at nights, I called on Him with tears falling from my eyes, I called on Him with some hope in my heart, that He might respond to my call and I called on Him with some fear in my heart, that He might not respond to my call…

It’s strange, isn’t it? That we, humans, call on Allah only when the road isn’t smooth. We call on Him, only when we know that we can’t change the problematic situation to a normal one. We call on Him when we find that things are getting worse. We call on Him when our families and friends are unable to help us. In short, we call on Allah when we find no hope of anyone’s help besides His.

As Allah says in the Quran:

“And when harm touches man, he invokes Us, lying down on his side, or sitting or standing. But when We have removed his harm from him, he passes on his way as if he had never invoked Us for a harm that touched him?”  (Quran 10:12)

How true! This is exactly what we tend to do in our lives. When the storm hits us we call on Allah, and when it passes away we forget Him; acting as though the storm never really touched us and we never really called on Him for help.

But before calling on Allah for help, we first try to ask our families or friends to help us, if they’re unable to, we try making thousands and thousands of plans, even if these plans don’t work the way we want them to, then we are left to call only upon Allah for help. As soon as Allah helps us in overcoming the difficulty that we are facing, we become ungrateful to His blessings…

As Allah says in the Quran:

“It is He who gave you life, will cause you to die, and will again give you life: Truly man is a most ungrateful creature.” (Quran 22:66)

Thoughts to ponder over

Don’t just call upon Allah when you are struck with calamities, trials or crises, call upon Him every day, every hour and every minute of your life.

Stop asking or begging people for help. Instead, call on Allah & InshaAllah He’ll positively respond to your call.

Make Allah your best buddy! Make a habit of asking Allah for small stuff, like when you lose a pen, or any other small stuff. In this way, InshAllah you’ll develop the habit of asking only Him all the time.

Never depend on anyone for help. Depend only upon ALLAH when it comes to asking for help.

When the way is cloudy, remember that Allah is your only Guide.

Remember Allah in times of ease, so that He will remember you in times of difficulty.

About navedz

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  1. Md.Shahjahan Kabir

    Thanks brother .

  2. “And when harm touches man, he invokes Us, lying down on his side, or sitting or standing. But when We have removed his harm from him, he passes on his way as if he had never invoked Us for a harm that touched him?” (Quran 10:12)

    This describes my life!!!….but I have found that God’s compassion and mercy are also boundless—for though I may forget him after trouble has passed…he is there to help the next time trouble comes around. So, I try to make it a point to thank God during times of peace…..even though life gets in the way sometimes and I forget……