The Mercy of Allah

On the authority of Abu Hurairah (ra) on the authority of the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), ‘If one of you improves his Islam; then for every good action he does, it is written as equivalent to ten times its like up to 700 times. For every bad action he does, it is written as it is, until he meets Allah’ [No. 3959]

On the authority of Abu Shurayah al-Khuza’aee who said, “The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) came out to us and said, ‘Receive glad tidings, receive glad tidings; do you not testify that there is none worthy of worship in truth except Allah and that I am the Messenger of Allah?’ They said: ‘Yes.’ He (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said, ‘This Quran is a rope, one end is in the Hand of Allah and one end is in your hands, so hold on to it. Verily you will never be misguided or destroyed after it’.” [No. 713]

On the authority of Abu Tameemah al-Hajmeemee, on the authority a man from Blahjeem who said, “I asked: ‘O Messenger of Allah! Who should I make du’a to?’ He (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: ‘Call on Allah Alone. If you were afflicted with harm and you supplicated to Him, He would relieve you of it. If you became lost in a desolate land and you supplicated to Him, He would return you to your place. If you were afflicted with drought and you supplicated to Him, He would produce vegetation’.” [No. 420]

On the authority of Abu Hurairah (ra) that a man complained to the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) about having a hard heart, so he said to him: “If you want to soften your heart, then feed the needy and stroke the head of an orphan.” [No.854]

[Taken from Silsilah Ahadeeth As-Saheehah]

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  1. MashAllah such a great collections of beautiful HADEES