Tag Archives: helping hand

Inspiration: Men are from Makkah, Women are from Madinah!

A metaphor, which describes men vs women. Makkah is a barren land and known for its tough terrain. Madinah, on the other hand, is greener, for it rains often there. With this metaphor for describing how men and women can at times end up seeming like different species.

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Inspiration: RasoolAllah taught us to be Patient, Respectful and Disciplined

RasoolAllah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), taught us to be Patient, Respectful and Disciplined. To not act in a way that would be detrimental to ourselves or to those around us. No one in his (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) presence felt threatened and nothing …

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Inspiration: Never miss an opportunity to serve People, but…

Giving preference (to others) in actions of gaining closeness – meaning: That the issue, if it is referring to gaining closeness to Allaah, The Glorified and Exalted, then giving preference to your brother (in Islaam) in that act is Makrooh (Disliked). Because this contradicts the racing (to good deeds) that …

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