Tag Archives: Aid

Inspiration: Never miss an opportunity to serve People, but…

Giving preference (to others) in actions of gaining closeness – meaning: That the issue, if it is referring to gaining closeness to Allaah, The Glorified and Exalted, then giving preference to your brother (in Islaam) in that act is Makrooh (Disliked). Because this contradicts the racing (to good deeds) that …

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The Aid of Allah is Tied to One’s Intentions

Salim ibn Abdullah radi Allahu `anhu (may Allah be pleased with him) wrote to Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz (ra) giving him the following advice: “Know that the aid of Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala (exalted is He) for His servants comes in relation to their intention. So whoever’s intention is complete, …

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