Surah Al Zalzalah – THE EARTHQUAKE

Surah Al Zalzalah – THE EARTHQUAKE
Holy Quran, CHAPTER – 99,  (The Shaking)
(Revealed at Makkah : 8 Verses)


Surah Al Zalzalah is the 99th Chapter of the Holy Quran and was revealed in the holy city of Makkah. The Arabic word “zalzalah” means “Earthquake.” This word occurs in the very first verse, and hints at the severe shaking which was destined to bring about a transformation first in Arabia, and later on in the whole world. This shows the conneciton with the last chapter, which speaks of a transformation being brought about in the world by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It is one of the earliest revelations.

1) When the earth is shaken to her (utmost) convulsion,
2) And the earth throws up her burdens (from within),
3) And man cries (distressed): ‘What is the matter with her?’-
4) On that Day will she declare her tidings:
5) For that thy Lord will have given her inspiration.
6) On that Day will men proceed in companies sorted out, to be shown the deeds that they (had done).
7) Then shall anyone who has done an atom’s weight of good, see it!
8) And anyone who has done an atom’s weight of evil, shall see it.

The first verse speaks of a violent shaking of the earth. Zalzalah means originally to put into a state of commotion or agitation. That such a shaking would take place at the Resurrection cannot be denied. That it took place in the Prophet’s lifetime is a fact. This was the shaking which brought about that wonderful transformation in Arabia, and then in the whole world. The second verse speaks of the earth as bringing forth her burdens. This has been taken as signifying both the bringing forth of the dead and the yielding of her hidden treasures. How the earth is bringing forth her hidden treasures of mineral wealth shows the wonderful knowledge of the future disclosed in the Quran. That these are the preliminaries of a great transformation is the one theme of these early revelations. The transformation brought about in the Prophet’s life time was in fact the first stage in the greater transformation to be brought about in the whole world later on. The mighty worldconflicts of our day and the unimaginable treasures brought forth in these days are in fact portents of what must follow, the spiritual awakening to be brought about in the world.

Verses 3–5 indicate that, at the happenings referred to in the first two verses, man will wonder and cry out, what has befallen the earth? (That day) when the earth is shaken, the earth will relate her chronicles and inform about the good and evil that were done on its surface, because Allah gives her leave to talk.

In the next verses, Allah says that on the day when the earth speaks (mankind will issue forth in scattered groups) a group will go to Paradise, these are the believers, and a group will go to hell, and these are the disbelievers (to be shown their deeds) what they have done of good or evil when they were in the life of the world. Allah revealed this verse about a group of people who thought that they are not rewarded for any small goodness they do nor punished for any small evil they commit, and so Allah urged them to do acts of goodness even if they are small and warned them against acts of evil even if they are small acts. Whoever does an atom’s weight good, will see it then in his register and then will be happy with it; it is also said: the believer sees his works in the Hereafter while the disbeliever sees his works in the life of the world, and whoever does an atom’s weight ill, will see it then written in his register and will displease him; and it is also said: the believer sees it in the life of the world while the disbeliever sees it in the Hereafter’.

In the translation by Ibn Khatir:  [99:7-8] – Said Muqatil: “These two verses were revealed about two men. One of them deemed it unworthy to give beggars one date, a small piece of bread or one walnut, saying to himself: ‘Such things are nothing. We only get rewarded when we give away something that we love’. The other man used to belittle minor sins such as small lies, backbiting and looking at that which is unlawful, saying to himself: ‘No onus is on me because of engaging in this, for Allah threatens with hellfire only those who commit enormities’. And so Allah, exalted is He, revealed these two verses, encouraging people to perform even small acts of goodness, for they add up in the final run, and cautioning them against even small sins, for they add up in the final run.”



The second verse of the surah is interesting in that it refers to the burdens of the earth. Years have gone by and men have failed to understand what those burdens might be. The widely accepted interpretation was that the surah referred to the earthquake that was going to take place at the end of the world when the dead would be resurrected and treasures hidden underground would rise to the surface. No one could have guessed that the ground beneath was formed of dense and heavy matter that would rise to the surface. References to earthquakes in the Quran contribute to our better appreciation of them. Let us not forget that people believed at the time that the earth rested on the horns of an ox or on a fish whose tail, when it moved, produced earthquakes. The fact that the Quran made no reference to such false beliefs is another indication of its miraculous character.

The more we know about the contents of the Quran and about the universe, the more we appreciate Allah’s artistry and the perfection of His religion.

Say: “Are those who know equal to those who do not know? Only men of understanding take heed.” (Surah Al Zumar 39:9)

About navedz

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  1. Assalamu Alaykum,
    subhana’Allah, just the name of this surah should be enough to shake us from the inside. We should always have taqwa of Allah.
    jazaka Allah kheir for posting this.

    • Wa-alaikum As-salaam
      Appreciate your comments here.. May Allah keep us among the people with understanding.. taking heed. Ameen!

  2. Assalamu alaykum. The Day of Judgement is not a joke