Surah Al Masad

Surah Al Masad

The Revelation

One day, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) went out to the valley of Al Batha and he went up to the mountain. Then he cried out:

“O people, come at once!”

It was a normal business day, but because Prophet Muhammad (SAW), who is a very respected man, called out in a hurry, the Qurayshi gathered around him. Then Prophet Muhammad (SAW) asked:

“If I told you all, that the enemy was going to attack you in the morning, or in the evening, would you all believe me?”

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was also known as Al Ameen meaning the truthful one. He was known for his good character, his honesty and truthfulness. Thus without doubt the people relpied:

“Yes! Of course we believe you.”

Then Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said to them:

“Verily, I am a warner sent to you all before the coming of a severe torment.”

So the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) told the people about Allah and they should worship Allah alone.

Abu Lahab was in the crowd. Hearing this he said:

“Have you gathered us for this? May you perish!”

May you perish means I hope you die! Thus then Allah revealed Surah Al Masad.


(1) Perish the hands of the Father of Flame! Perish he!
(2) No profit to him from all his wealth, and all his gains!
(3) Burnt soon will he be in a Fire of Blazing Flame!
(4) His wife shall carry the (crackling) wood – As fuel!-
(5) A twisted rope of palm-leaf fibre round her (own) neck!

(Surah Al Masad 111:1-5)


Who was Abu Lahab?

Abu Lahab, literally “the father of flame”, was the nickname of Abdul Uzza (meaning; the servant of the idol ‘Uzza), an uncle of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW), and a bitter and fiery opponent of Islam and the Holy Prophet. This nickname, perhaps, was chosen for him, because, ‘lahab’, in Arabic, means ‘a flame of fire’. Ever since Prophet Muhammad (SAW) began to spread Islam, Abu Lahab became his enemy. He used to often cause harm to the Messenger of Allah (SAW) even though the Prophet was his own nephew. When Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was born, Abu Lahab was so happy he went to free a slave. But after Prophet Muhammad (SAW) invited people to worship Allah and leave the idols, he hated him and scorned the religion. Whenever Prophet Muhammad (SAW) went to the market to spread Islam calling the people to worship Allah, Abu Lahab would follow him and shouted, “Verily! He is an apostate and a liar!”

He made it his business to torment the Holy Prophet; and his wife, Arwah Binti Harb bint Umayyah, also known as Umm Jumail, sister of Abu Sufyan, took pleasure in carrying thorny bushes and strewing them in the sand where she knew that the Holy Prophet was sure to walk barefooted, because of which she is referred to as the bearer of the wood. Abu Lahab used to persuade the people to throw stones at the Holy Prophet, whenever he passed the streets of Makkah, by telling them that he was a mad man. The two hands he used to throw stones at the Holy Prophet are cursed. The two hands of Abu Lahab may also refer to the evil deeds he had sent forth which condemns him to suffer severest punishment till eternity. Neither his wealth nor his supporters will be able to save him from the blazing fire. A week after the battle of Badr, Abu Lahab perished, consumed with grief and his own fiery passions. The angel of death strangled his wife with the rope she used to wear around her neck. On the day of judgement the fire of punishment like a rope of iron strongly twisted will be put on her neck.

(1) Perish the hands of the Father of Flame! Perish he!

This is a supplication against Abu Lahab and the second is information about him.

(2) No profit to him from all his wealth, and all his gains!

When Prophet Muhammad (SAW) called his people to faith, Abu Lahab said:

“Even if what my nephew says is true, I will ransom myself from the torment on the Day of Judgement with my wealth and my children.”

Abu Lahab was a rich, proud man who boasted about his wealth and used it against Islam. Allah said that all his wealth and his children will not benefit him at all.

(3) Burnt soon will he be in a Fire of Blazing Flame!

Then Allah said He will enter a fire full of flames. Allah has promised Abu Lahab hell even before he dies. This aayat was sent down even before Abu Lahab died. Allahu Alim knew that Abu Lahab would not be among those who will receive guidance and will be sent to hell.

(4) His wife shall carry the (crackling) wood – As fuel!-

Abu Lahab’s wife was one of the leading women in Quraysh. She was very supportive of her husband’s hatred to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) She used to place thorns in the path of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) with the intention of hurting him.

According to Tafsir Ibn Kathir, she will be helping to administer Abu Lahab’s punishment in the fire of hell. Allah says that she will carry the firewood and throw it upon her husband to increase his torment. And she herself will be in the hell fire.

(5) A twisted rope of palm-leaf fibre round her (own) neck!

In her neck will be a tight twisted rope. Some said made of fibres. Some said skin animals and some said made of iron.
When Arwah heard this surah revealed, she was very angry. She went out to look for the Prophet (SAW) with a stone in her hand. She wanted to harm our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). She said:

“He criticises our father, his religion is our scorn and his command is to disobey us.”

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) was sitting in the Masjid Al-Haram alongwith Abu Bakr (RA). When Abu Bakr (RA) saw Arwah, he said,:

“O! Messenger of Allah! She is coming and I fear that she will see you.”

The Messenger (SAW) replied, “Verily she will not see me.”

So Arwah came near to them until she was standing in front of them. But she did not see the Messenger of Allah (SAW). She then said to Abu Bakr (RA)

“O Abu Bakr. I heard that your friend is making poetry slandering me.”

Abu Bakr replied, “No! By the Lord of this house (Kaaba), he is not defaming you.”

So she turned away and said, “Indeed the Quraysh know that I am the daughter of their leader.”

No relationship whatsoever, even with the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW), can be of any advantage to the disbeliever. Abu Lahab, an uncle of the Holy Prophet, will burn in the blazing fire.

About navedz

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  1. I often found myself thinking of abu-lahab and reiterating this surah in my head. Something did not make sense about the story. To me, the surah sounds like what a 10-year old kid might say to taunt his friend. Maybe insults and sarcasm are an attribute of allah… behold God is great!

    • I often find myself thinking of some people who are so-called Muslims… nothing at all makes sense about them going so much astray that they would be an atheist. I would say Ignorance and Arrogance are attributes of these people.

      In the Quran, in Surah Hud:

      “My counsel, if I wished to counsel you, I cannot profit you if Allah has decided that you should go astray. He is your Lord and to Him you shall be returned.” (Quran, Surah Hud 11:34)

  2. ASC does anyone know why else this surah was revealed? Right now i gather 2 reasons however I have been sent to find a 3rd.