Republican Adam Hasner associates with Radical Racist, Geert Wilders

It is one thing to dislike someone if they hurt you, but it is quite another to be racist or a supporter of racists. It is ironic that when a Muslim scholar makes a small mistake, it is blown out of proportion, without regard to context, while if the same or worse mistake is made by an Islamophobic bigot, it is seen as patriotism!

State Representative Adam Hasner and Republican House Majority leader, (Florida House District 87) flew back from Washington D.C. to meet Geert Wilders. For those who don’t know, Wilders is a member of the Dutch Parliament, who produced the infamous documentary Fitna. Note this is the same Hasner, who walked out of the Florida chambers during a Muslim prayer, to make a very public snubbing. The fact that he is Jewish does not bode well for Muslim-Jewish relations in Florida, which have been edgy, to say the least. Instead of trying to provide healing between the communities he represents, Hasner has been involved in Islamophobic  hate-fests.

I am not going to waste my time in commenting on such a filthy documentary, but it disgusts me to see a politician in office, associated with such a radical extremist, and dirt-bag like Wilders. It is interesting to note that the United Kingdom has banned Wilders from traveling to the country. So, while the UK bars a bigot from even entering the country, an American politician is according Wilders a reception reserved for “decent” celebrities!

I can’t help it but to remember the statement of Martin Luther King Jr., “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice every where”. People in whom we entrust the power to legislate should never be associate themselves with bigots and racists.

Those who hide behind freedom of speech to push their unjust and radical agendas, are like those who hide behind religion to conduct acts of terror…BOTH ARE COWARDS.

Also Read : Enough is Enough

About navedz

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