Quotes : Mahatma Gandhi on Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Mahatma Gandhi, statement published in “Young India”, 1924:

“I wanted to know the best of the life of one who holds today an undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind… I became more than ever convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days in the scheme of life. It was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet the scrupulous regard for pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission. These and not the sword carried everything before them and surmounted every obstacle. When I closed the second volume (of the Prophet’s biography), I was sorry there was not more for me to read of that great life.”

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  1. Thanx 4 the site!
    How beautiful! Let Islam spread! Let humanity know the truth!


  2. Gandhiji inspired by Prophet Mohammed (SWA) when he read about his life story, so that he have done that much for India. In few of prospctives he adopt himself into to Muhammed’s charactor, thoughts and life style. So think Guys greatness of “Prophet Mohammed.” When some shadows makes Gandhiji India’s National Father, Why don’t we follow the all of Muhammed’s “Hidayah and absolute trust in Allah”. Shame on us we are not following non of from them. We will suffer like this unless until learn about ALLAH, ISLAM and Muhammed.
    Think guys Think…
    ( Gandhiji can’t stand up for ISLAM b/c of political reasons but Inner mind he regret that he is not a Musilm.. This is the TRUTH ).. KsK

    • what is a true Muslim. ? Saying God is one and Mohammed is his prophet and belief in the last day , makes a true Muslim? . what about the actions of truth and justice. Look at the true ” Muslim” the Saudi Leader: who is buying weapons from west to finance the killing of human beings in neighboring Syria( for the sake of democracy when he himself does not have democracy in his state). He calls himself a guardian of the two mosques. What a Muslim.!
      It is not a secret what he is doing . It is in New york times. As a matter of fact America that claims to be christian, Obama is not a true ” Christian ” either, trying to create a civil war in Syria. Jesus son of Mary says treat your neighbor as you want to get treated yourself. The Jewish leader Netanyahu is not a true Jew either . Moses taught to be Just. Do not kill , Do not steal the neighboring land.He is doing the opposite. Newer settlements against the UN mandate. He gives tax breaks to the builders! of settlements . No justice at all. So God have mercy on these true ” followers of children of Abrahim”. The atheists the Russians and Chinese are showing true Muslim behavior in some aspect . They advocated not to attack Iraq ( under the ruse of WMD) they are not taking any part in this Mayhem at humanity, creating Orphans and widows indiscriminately to create a greater Levant.in Syria ..
      In my opinion Gandhi Ji was a true Muslim. He not only United the whole of India, Hindus and Muslims and handed defeat to the British. He gave up his life , at the age of 78 yrs , he stood up against the indiscriminate killings of Muslims after the independence, thus he was constantly engaged in the Islah ( correction) of the community, and because of his asking to be just , kind and compassionate to Muslims , an Hindu shot this old man the messiah of Islah , peace and correction of his times. He told us Muslims to find God in a Hindu temple and told Hindus to find God in a Muslim Mosque. He told God is One . the name may change. He dedicated his life , every day started at sunrise with the bhajan( prayer) Eshwaer ,Allah are all your name Oh God , give kindness and consideration to all. Then he ended the day again with a group prayer along with his dedicated workers ( not just the one who pray and give lip service only and not real service and sacrifice to do Islah) with the same prayer. In fact he was going for the evening prayer meeting when the irrational young man Nathuram Godse shot him point blank ,while Gandhi Ji was still walking to go and sit down and start his sunset prayer with all. This 78 yrs old man took the bullet in his chest standing.
      Please read the Autobiography of Gandhi Ji : My experiments with truth. May be you will be able to remove the Oppression and holocaust of Arabs that is going on for the past 100 yrs. ( No one is to be blamed but the Arab leaders themselves who have become greedy and spineless .In 1914 they take gold and diamond from Lawrence of Arabia and rebel against the Turks.and loose Palestine. and the world war comes to end with the loss of Palestine.. 100 yrs later again now they support the death of the neighboring Arab states and Arabs ! For any irrational reason or no reason. WMD, democracy or hypocracy etc etc. May God have Mercy upon Arabs , Muslims and Humanity)
      The lip service Muslims will become real Muslims who do serve Allah by serving mankind.By creating Unity in Mankind. For this the Unity has to start within the Muslim Ummah.first and then to all others. One God One Mankind. ( In this aspect the Jews are true Muslims : they have created Unity among them , I only hope they create Unity among mankind too and be Just as Moses was Just. and follow their own commandments , do not kill. , do not steal. Those 10 commandments are nothing but Islamic teachings. There are many Jews who do follow the commandments , but the ones in power do not follow , Just like many Arabs and Muslims who follow the teachings of Mohammed, but those in power do not, just like christian Americans many follow the compassion taught by Jesus , but those in power who make the decisions do not. Mohammed and all others Prophets came here as problem solvers for Mankind.To remove Oppression , to establish justice( Moses ), and compassion (Jesus).and Justice and compassion which is pragmatic ( Mohammed) Can we Muslims become problem solvers too ? and then be called true Muslims. Then Once again we shall have a Omer born in US and a Salahuddin born in US and Doctors and Engineers( that are like the Muslim Doctors of the past who wrote books that were followed for 5 centuries in Europe : Ibn Sina.). among us in these days too. As a matter of fact we do have true Muslims who are problem solvers : Mohammed Younus : who created Micro loan methodology to remove poverty . But we need a whole lot of true Muslims to be born. That birth of a true Muslims comes by not by staying in our own tunnels , but learning how others are achieving success and problem solving, and of course using the guiding principles laid down in Qur’an with clarity and beauty ..
      Just one Principle I shall quote and close : Repel Evil with that which is Good . the worst enemy of yours shall become your best friend, and not every one can do this . Only those who have patience and perseverance and those who believe in meeting there Creator on the day of Judgement can do it That is to repel evil with Good.
      How clear and how beautiful ! a solution to remove the evil,unjust behavior in a society..

      Praise to God and Peace to all the Prophets.,

      • If you want to know “What is a true muslim” then you need to read Qur’an and our prophet’s life. Everyone can say ‘I am a muslim’ , but every muslim doesn’t follow Qur’an and Prophet. We can NOT judge Islam for some bad people who say ‘I am muslim’.

    • how do u know that Ghandiji did not become a muslim at the end of his life.. .on his death bed , he may have accepted Islam …Allah may have shown him the secret “hidayah” before his death ( based on islamic sufism) if he was sincere to the end ..may be even mother theresa..Only ALALH knows best

      • I do know Mahatma Gandhi had firm believe in One God and One Humanity. He loved truth and justice . Acted upon those principles. God / Allah placed success at his feet.

  3. KSK you can’t possibly speak for the dead. What Mahatma Gandhi wanted or didn’t want died with him and to assume otherwise is a sin. Be humble and follow in their teachings and focus on being the best muslim you can be. Muhammed (pbuh) was a great man and so was Mahatma Gandhi. We can only hope to be as pure of heart and free of evil.

  4. asslamualaikum brother, I’m Utario from Indonesia. It’s very inspiring

  5. KsK ….. care to say what political reasons u r referring to ?
    The other thing, how could possibly know what went on in the mind of dead man u have never met ?
    Last but not least , why don’t u assume that these of Ghandi’ words were for political reasons as well ?

  6. if indians respect ghandi and his speech why they dont follow his wards ? Is it also political ? Even they want to vanish muslim and islam from india. Ghandi was a clever politician and he tried to get the muslims faith to make a neutral india but what was in him Allah knows best.

  7. BADRULHAQKHAN DEAR SHAMIMAS-SALAAM WA-ALAIKUM WA RAHAMATULLAHI WA BARAKATUHU no body in this world can vanish islam and muslim it was just politics i can give a reason for this if some body like mohammed the prophet and understand is life he or she will accept the islam and become a muslim we all muslims have iman in that case some celebrity and some people have like life of mohammed the prophet peace upon him but they have not accepted islam they doesnt know a profit asset of life so ican tell they are just misguarding all muslims vanish of muslim is vanish of world e.g. just see the life of abdul mutalib
    allah ho akbar
    allah hafiz


  8. masha…allah

  9. True what people have always said : Gandhi was a WISE man

  10. do you know the name of the book he was talking about? i googled the Prophet’s biography, but nothing seems to come up for the prophet mohammed PBUH

    • @OM
      Young India was a weekshed in English by Mahatma Gandhi from 1919 to 1932. Gandhi wrote various quotations in this journal that inspired many. He used the Young India to spread his unique ideology and thoughts regarding independence. This quote is from one edition of Young India, 1924.

  11. Peace, peace, peace :)

    Beautiful quote. We cannot assume that Gandhi was Muslim. It’s pure conjecture, a waste of time. The matter is that Gandhi adulated Prophet Muhammed. Rumi followed in Prophet Muhammed’s footsteps. George Bernad Shaw called Prophet Muhammed the Savior of Humanity. If we revere these heroes, let us love whom they emulated.

  12. If this was what was said by a non-muslim about the Prophet SAW, then this great life of this great man holds a truth behind it. Remember if there was a man who could have been a King among his people because of his character then it was the Prophet peace and blessing be upon him.

  13. What ever words Gandhi it was from his mind and heart….not to gain any political support or muslim support…!!!if he did not like any thing he would straight away said like he did not like meat..he said i dnt like meat….!!!He liked MUHAMMAD from his heart and followed his character through out his life….I am one of those persons who converted to ISLAM because of beautiful character of MUHAMMAD
    MUHAMMAD and GANDHI are really great persons

    • Salam Alaikum! firstly am vry happy 4 u as u became one of d savory in this world.. God bless u! About Gandhi statement, we muslims suppose to look at his words in a positive way. If we consider what our beloved prophet s.a.w teaches us to not think negative over others, we always thing positive to others. And again its not a surprise when GandhiJi said he respect our beloved Prophet, if we consider d history even d non-muslims of His era r believed that He is a trustworthy n good human being. so its not a big deal when a non-muslim now said he respect our beloved. We know He is d most respectable person on earth. Peace be upon Him!

  14. Its all true but u must also know that non violence he learned from prophet Muhammad pbuh nephew imam hussain

    • Salam :so would it not be lovely , to follow the non violence path , laid down for us. When Gandhi Ji can follow it , why so many of us are killing each other? in Arab world. One leader has become the blood thirsty opponent of the other. Just Look at Syria and Saudia. When a Hindu Gentleman can read the character of Prophet Mohammed and act upon it, Why is peace alluding the Arabs?. I guess Oil is making all sticky cells in the brain , so they cannot understand or follow the teachings of the Peace Maker.
      May God give us all ( Humanity: Hindu, Muslim ,Christian, Jew, me and you) Peace.
      All praise is only to the One God of All and Peace to the Prophets/ Messengers.

    Assalamu alaikum wa RAHMATH ALLAH WA BARAKATUHU,
    I came accross this site and would like you people to visit so you can understand more about ALLAH(SWT) way of doing things so that Islam is always shining.