Q&A : Idol used for Concentration?

Question : The Hindu Pundits and Scholars agree that the Vedas and other Hindu religious scriptures prohibit idol worship, but initially because the mind may not be matured, an idol is required for concentration while worshipping. After the mind reaches higher consciousness, the idol is not required for concentration.

Answer By Dr Zakir Naik


  • Muslims have reached the higher level of consciousness : Muslims have reached the higher level of consciousness. If an idol is required for concentration only in the initial stages and not later on when the mind reaches higher consciousness then I would like to say the Muslims have already reached the state of higher consciousness because when we worship Allah (swt) we do not require any idol or statue.
  • Child asks why does it thunder? : When I was discussing with a Swami in IRF. He said that when our child asks us, “Why does the sky thunder?”, we reply that “aaee ma chakki pees rahi hai”, the grandmother is grinding flour in the heaven; because he is too young to understand. Similarly in the initial stages people require an idol for concentration.

In Islam we don’t believe in telling a lie, even if it’s a white lie. I will never give such a wrong answer to my child because later on when he goes to school and learns that the thundering sound after lightning is due to the expansion of rapidly heated air, he will either think that the teacher is lying or later on when he understands the fact he will conclude that the father is a liar. If you feel that the child may not understand certain difficult things you should simplify the answer rather than give a wrong fictitious reply. If you, yourself do not know the answer, you should have the guts to be truthful and say ‘I don’t know’. But many children nowadays will not be satisfied with this answer. If this answer was given to my son, he would say “Abba (father), why don’t you know?’ This will compel you to do your homework and thus educate yourself as well as your child.

  • Those in standard one require idol for concentration (2 + 2 = 4 will remain same in standard one and ten) : Some pundits while trying to convince me regarding idol worship said that in standard one the student is initially taught to worship God by concentrating with the help of an idol but later on when he graduates he no longer requires the idol to concentrate while worshipping the God.

A very important fact to be noted is that only if the fundamentals of any particular subject is strong, then only will he be able to excel in future for e.g. A teacher of mathematics in standard one teaches the students that 2 + 2 = 4 irrespective whether the student passes school or does graduation or does a Ph. D. in mathematics, the basics of 2 + 2 = 4 will yet remain the same, it will not change to 5 or 6. In higher standards the student, besides addition may learn about Algebra, Trigonometry, Logarithm, etc. but the fundamental of addition will yet remain the same. If the teacher in standard one itself teaches the fundamentals wrong, how can you expect the student to excel in future?

It is the fundamental principal of the Vedas regarding the concept of God that He has got no image, so how can the Scholars even after knowing this fact keep silent at the wrong practice being done by people.

Will you tell your son who is in standard one that 2 plus 2 is not equal to 4 but 5 or 6 and only confirm the truth after he passes school? Never. In fact if he makes a mistake you will correct him and say it is 4 and not wait till he graduates; and if you don’t correct him initially you will ruin his future.


And Allah knows best.

About navedz

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  1. im happy to read this.dr zakir nayak sir is doing an excellent job.he is talented n i feel pleasure to know that he knows well about that n he is not wasting his talent.he is using it in a right path.i like him very much.i respect him a lot.i will feel more happy if he comes n gives speeches in hyderabad also.i always pray 4 him to become a successfull person in his life.

  2. i respect a lot sir dr.zakir nayak.i will be more happy if he comes n gives speeches in hyderabad also.

  3. Sir, Would you please tell me about Aqiqah with reference to Holy Quraan and Shahi Hadith.