Picture Perfect : Beginning with Bismillah


For those of you looking to reach the ultimate peak in your personal and professional lives, try beginning each act, deed, or intention with the Bismillah and see the immediate difference it brings. Beginning your action by invoking the name of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala is a blessing that has been bestowed upon our ummah by our Creator, Most High.

Invoke Allah’s Subhanahu wa Ta’ala name with a sense of sincerity and reliance. This will help in warding away Satan, man’s biggest enemy, whom we have been ordered to seek constant refuge from. Satan can very easily place a wrong intention in your heart, change your way of thinking and mould your thoughts according to his evil plots, making you lose out on the numerous benefits and advantages that you could have easily achieved had you started your work by invoking Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala’s name. Cutting out evil is one of the most effective ways to stay focused and concentrate on the task ahead.

Reciting ‘Bismillah’ before performing any action will immediately make you conscious and ponder over whether the deed/action you want to do is righteous or not, sincere or not. This is a hugely effective method to prevent oneself from committing sins irrespective of how big or ‘small’ the sin may be.

Beginning in the Name of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala opens up the doors of mercy and blessings from our Lord as it is pleasing that we, His slaves, remember Him before performing an action.

“Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah . Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured.” (Quran, Surah Al Ra’d, Chapter# 13, Verse#28)

About navedz

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  1. Alhadulillah, good reminder

    Jazakallahu khairan

    thanks for spending time for spreading the NOOR of our Dheen.

    May Allah make us meet in paradise. Ameen

  2. Assalmualaikum,
    Remind Indeed Reminding Benefits the Believers . Sura Al Dhariat 51:55
    Jazakallahukhayr for reminding

  3. Masha Allahul Kareem…. Wat a wonderful remainder may Allah continue 2 guide us unto d ryt path…. Ameen!