New Kindle ebook – The Journey of Faith : Reminiscence of Umrah in Ramadan

Going off topic today, for obvious reasons.

Just finished work on my first Kindle ebook – “The Journey of Faith : Reminiscence of Umrah in Ramadan”, and it is published on Kindle today. It is available on Promotional offer (read below) for free for next 5 days.

This book is an amazing reminiscence of the Umrah journey during the month of Ramadan. It is a rare and important insight of the spiritual experience which serves as an eye opener and make realize the purpose of life. Revisit your trust and faith with a Gaze of Love. Learn from the Circling of Birds, earn Jannah with a cup of Dates or a glass of water, all for the pleasure of Allah (Glory be to Him). You have to read it, to feel it.

An essential read, specially for those who have been blessed with a visit to Makkah and Madinah to refresh your spiritual memories or for those who plan to go on Hajj or Umrah in days to come.

Kindle AmazonThe Table of Contents in this book:

About the Author
The Significance…
Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk
The Tears of the Imam
The Fasting and the Ihraam of Ramadan
The Dhikr of Circling Birds
A Gaze of Love
The Thousand Sleepers
The Race Towards Marwa
An Open Grave
A Cup of Dates
The Plains of Arafat, the Qiyam of Ramadan
The Clouds of Mercy or Punishment?

The Book is available in Kindle form and can be ordered on Amazon here.

Buy your copy today at Amazon and let me know your thoughts.

As Promotional offer, the book is available for free download on Amazon for the next 5 days (Promotional offer ends on 16-June-13, 11:59:59 pm Pacific time). All you need is to Register on Amazon and Download a free PC Kindle reader or a free Kindle reader app for your tablet / mobile / iphone.


About navedz

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  1. Alhumdilillah! I have downloaded the book and am really looking forward to go through it. I have always had this desire to go for Umrah during Ramadan. May Allah bring that day ASAP.
    Thanx Naved.

  2. Insha’Allah, may you be bless with your wish and desires. Ameen.

    Hey good to hear from you. Incidentally, you are the first person to download my first book…. and if you can recall you were the first person who inspired me to actually blog. 🙂

    Please do rate the book and leave your review on amazon. Thanks.