
A tall and well built man with a tanned face and a healed cut on his eyebrow that told a tale of warfare, strode purposefully through the market place.

A merchant threw a handful of waste at him just to provide a moment’s entertainment in the market. But the man continued to walk on as before without batting an eyelid.

Another merchant went up to the offender and asked: “Do you know the man whom you just offended?”

“No. I don’t know him. He was one of the thousands who pass by us every day. Who was he, anyway?”

“Seriously, didn’t you recognize him? This passer by happened to be the general commander Malik-e-ashtar.”

“Was that man Malik-e-Ashtar? Was that the man whose name startles people and shakes his enemies?”

“Yes, that was Malik.”

“Alas! What did I just do? He might just give orders now for me to be severely punished. I will run after him and beg
him to forgive me.”

He ran after Malik, and noting that he went towards a Masjid, he followed him there. There, he saw him stand to say prayer. He waited till Malik was done.

Then the merchant went to him and introduced himself all the while crying and apologizing to Malik. He said: “I am the one who offended you.”

Malik said: “By Allah, I came to the Masjid for you. I understand that you are misguided and unwise, that you bother people without a reason. I felt said for you. I came to the Masjid to pray for your guidance to the right path. I had no intention of harming you, as you probably thought.”

About navedz

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