Give thanks to ALLAH!

I came across a song in praise of ALLAH. It was mentioned that it is sung by Michael Jackson, and i was in an awe. I started checking on the internet to get the information and  i came to know that he has converted to islam… I was not aware of it.

Michael Jackson reported to have converted to the Nation of Islam in December 2003.  Saeed Shabazz, a reporter for the Nation of Islam’s publication, The Final Call, announced that Mr. Jackson had joined the organization. According to the publication, in 2005, he had officially announced that he has been following the five tenets of Islam and intends to convert to Islam, according to a report on the website of Arab-Israeli newspaper Panorama. Discover Islam spokesman Aman Khailb adds, “Thousands of people are embracing Islam, Michael is just one of them”.

Give Thanks To Allah
Published at 2007, May 08
Michael Jackson sings - Give Thanks To Allah
I came across a song in praise of ALLAH. It was mentio
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“Give thanks to Allah
For the moon and the stars
Prays in all day full
What is and what was
Take hold of your imaan,
Dont give in to shaitaan
Oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah.


 Allah is Gafoor,
Allah is Raheem,
Allah is the One who loves the mohsineen
He is our Creator,
He is our Sustainer
and He is the One who has power over all”. 



Updated : January 27, 2009

Apologies to all if this is not MJ. When I posted this, I was very sure that this voice belongs to MJ.

Anyhow, MJ or Zain, or whoever, the main focus of this post is to announce that MJ has accepted Islam as the way of life.. as his religion.. no doubt Islam is the only religion.

In November 2008, various news sources reported that Michael Jackson had officially accepted Islam, as he had been interested in it since 2005 with the help of his brother Jermaine. His new name is Mikaeel.


Updated : June 26, 2009

The biggest news all over the world yesterday was the death of one of the most famous musical artists in recent history, Michael Jackson. As the hour long television specials, radio playlist tributes, and music video marathons already began on the same day, many Muslims are left wondering, “was Michael Jackson a Muslim?”

The short answer? It’s hard to say.

The long answer? Initially it began with rumors years back that he had joined the Nation of Islam. On top of that, Jermaine Jackson, his brother, is a known and confirmed Sunni Muslim, which added another ingredient into the mix.

So the question is this: With no real answer (yet) as to whether Michael Jackson truly was a Muslim or not, what should be our position in regards to his death?

The answer is simple. Regardless of what the real answer is, we should hope he died Muslim. And that’s not just because he’s a celebrity or because we may have grown up listening to his hits, but because we as Muslims want the salvation of all mankind.

Islam is the best and most perfect way of life for all of humanity, and we want all mankind to accept what we believe is the way to live mandated by God. And if that happens to be the most breakthrough artist in the history of pop music, then alhamdulillah, all praise be to God, may he be forgiven for all of his shortcomings.

If he’s not, then we leave his fate with his Creator as is, and hope more people like him are guided to accept Islam and help in spreading the message to the masses. And until we have some clearer answers to our questions, I feel this is the position we need to have as Muslims. We pray that Allah (SWT) guides more people to Islam.

About navedz

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  1. Gee.. im just warm and tingly all over.

    Just to know the American pop icon and unconvicted child molester is a sweet.

    Maybe a new post idea: “Pedophilia and Islam; It aint so bad”

    For the life of me, I cant understand why Mikey hasn’t made a much bigger deal of his blessed conversion to Islam.. and the Nation of Islam at that. Now there’s an organization to be proud of, even if your one of those white devils or Hebrews.

    Please continue to write about these conversions.

  2. @icanplainlysee

    u know wat… wat i wrote abt is just an instance of wats happening all around us. ppl are embracing this religion and u cant deny this gr8 fact… n u shud know tat the max conversions r in the USA. Its true tat he had sinned big… but doesnt a human remember Almighty at the time of distress… well i believe he saw the correct path when in distress… anyways.. thanx for the comment, it gave me the chance to let u know the fact… Learn to respect religions.. always keep clean mind bro.

    • Salam, I don’t beleive that this is sung by MJ. what do you think the sound of HA in this Nasheed. the accent is purely Arab as I live in DXB & used to listen this accent.

  3. I’m sorry to dissapoint you guys,but that is not Michael Jackson!!! did you ever listen to his voice?? that guy sings really pretty,but he is NOT Michael Jackson….

  4. its truely amazing to hear a minipulating pop star like micheal jackson turned into islam its realy buatiful in many ways and i pray for him to continue his blessed deeds and like he said dont give into shaytan !!

  5. Im sorry to dissapoint you guys but that isnt Michael Jackson although he has converted to islam subhannallah, the person singing is Zain Bikha a very good naat singer. 😉

  6. michael doesn’t need a nasheed to be a muslim, so why as soon as people found out that is not him singing, they say he is not muslim. michael did convert as all news papers here in usa reported and as you can read clearly in the first page of his former religion jehovas witness. michael may Allah bless you, you give me joy in my darkness hour. you deserve a new begining and may Allah guide you toward the right path.

  7. Again, Sorry to disappoint you, but this is not Michael Jackson. Who ever that is, he has a lovely voice but he’s speaking perfect arabic letters. I have been teaching arabic in the States and I know how those who learn arabic find a hard time in pronouncing some of our letters.

    AND, I have not heard about Michael Jackson converting to Islam and even if he did, it is not a “Fakhr” that he did. He is glorified by being a muslim but Islam doesn’t really need people to dignify this Holy Religion.

    When will we stop rubbing ourselves in the west to show we are right. We are right, Believe, work on it and forget about it. Who will follow will follow.

    Rabena Yahdi Al Jamee’

  8. No mathematician can count the stars in the sky,no one born of a woman will be able to count your blessings mik .

  9. assalamualaikum to all moslems and michael. happiness in here and in the hereafter may be given to us all. aamiin.

    Allahu akbar.

  10. when i listen this naat i was crying my mother sister were crying because allah ki kya karamat hai


  11. This is zain bhikha brothers and sisters this is not michael jackson

  12. allah is the mighty the best al hail allah who created animals food plants and most inportantly us muslims to worship allah and the quran+to read namaz.

  13. i would like every muslim to thank allah for everything that god gave us.

  14. Here we are all muslims,listening to this beautiful nasheed which puts a nice comfort inside you!!! It always gives you the feeling that this is a true religion!!!From way back in the centuries, people have been fighting and suffering for islam, because, deep inside them they know that this religion is right!!!From the top of my head to the tip of my toes. May those people be rewarded. The day will come, were every single person will realise the truth spoken by the muslims!!!Nobody Knows when it will come.But, the day will come!!! This is not a joke, there is something everyone needs to learn and that is, this is real, the day will come one day!!!
    Thank you
    Assalamu alykum

  15. It’s not Michael Jackson. But Even if it was him…So what? He has the right to choose the religion he wants! It’s not a Crime to chose Islam as a religion!
    Jermaine Jackson chose Islam and he is very happy with it. This Post is useless.
    However it gives me the occasion to say that mister Jackson believes strongly in God and his principles are very close to Islam, Christianism or Judaism. Respect, humanitarian efforts, Love, prayers for Peace.

  16. salaam to all muslims!

    allah is every place that we are!!
    i only would to say that this page great is!!…

    allah hu akbar!!

  17. Salam Wa Alakum brothers and sisters! Allhamduallah for all the health and food that we have, we should be very pleased with what we got. Allah Wa Akbar. Allah Wa Akbar. Alhamduallah Kathera for our familys and friends. Just say Allah Wa Akbar!!!

  18. esalam 3alaykom,ma chaa allah

  19. well its not wierd about a person being muslim, most of the world is dreaming to become muslim, islam is just right and it is the most helpful and truth religion, and wait, yesterday michael jackson became muslim, today paris hilton and tomro tom cruise.

    islam is the right one.

    • ASSALAMUALAIKUM to baderinho and all, don’t say that, f u not against islam, the way u comment it, sound like u against islam.ISLAM invite anyone who are willing to belive in it.f michael jackson, tom cruise or anyone embraced to islam u should be FEEL great cos there’s are more n more muslim brother’s and sister’s.TO ANYONE HOW ARE NOT MUSLIM BUT INTRESTED IN IT, GO AHEAD….LEARN IT,EXAM IT,COMPARE IT,SEARCH IT,STUDY IT…LOOK FOR ANSWER THAT WILL SATISFY UR SELF.ISLAM WILL NOT FORCE ANYONE TO BELIVE IN IT.INSYALLAH WHAT U FIND…..U WILL FIND THE ANSWER.PEACE AROUND THE UNIVERSE.

  20. Hi there

    Please take a look at this short video .

    courage is somthing not many people have …. not like this …
    Wish you well
    Will H.

  21. Thank s

  22. Selam:
    Ramazani asht i shenjet andaj axheroje o rob i

  23. Salam

    I tust allah beacause i will get everyting if i pray allah.
    he created me and all others he is taking care of everybody.

  24. Salam

    mere muslim dost meri khush kismati haike main musalman hoon isleye sacha rasta jansakahun isliye main allah lakh lakh shukriya ada karta hoon.

  25. Salaam this is hasib danish from kabul afghanistan i just wanna say that this is good and nice site i love here these thing from u guys thanks alot

    Hasib Danish

  26. i like this site very much when i heard the nnat of micheal i feel very please.I feel happy when anyone accept ISLAM.

  27. his name cat steven not jackson

  28. 05;5;May

    Nice website,

    please keep it on.

    Your blog is one from those who make surfing fun & intresting.

  29. Muhammad Navaid Khan


    My Every Brothers & Sisters……

    This Site is completely superb,,,,,,

    Only Allah

  30. I always thanks to Allah because Allhah always help me whenever i am in trouble Allah help me a lot. Allah never leave me alone.

    i love this website please keep it on.

  31. you know he may have converted to islam… but think, why did this girl or guy person dye him self white??? … for attention, so why would he convert, as you can see hes getting some attention from it.

  32. its truely amazing to hear a minipulating pop star like micheal jackson turned into islam its realy buatiful in many ways and i pray for him to continue his blessed deeds and like he said dont give into shaytan !!

  33. This isn’t micheal Jackson..its zain bhika…

  34. this is zain Bikkah, he has sang this many times is gpu and it is often shown on islam channel and noor tv. I doubt Micheal Jackson has converted, but Allah does know best

  35. alaslam ala mn etab’a al hoda

    hi every one

    I’m muslim & I’m very thankful and greatful 4 the only god

    “ALLAH” sobhanh wa ta’ala

    I advice u unmuslims to just check islam and read about it

    anyway this is not michel jaxon ……

    and he is not muslim yet

    but had said that he likes islam & muslims

    thatz it

    slam alikom brothers & sisters

  36. thanks is due to allah alord of this universy who created the people with the best creature all all thanks is due him so that
    allah is a mercy full and also allah help me when iam seeking
    any way allah mercy is not finish
    thank you alla of you
    so good bye next time if allah say

  37. Salam guys first of all Ramdan karim
    so guys the singer is not MJ . is Zain Bhikha

  38. when any one is suffering with hunger , he/she must say
    SUB-HAAN-Allah as many time as he/she can say

    it will remove starveness in ur life and u will get alot in life

  39. im thankful to God that he born we muslim

    if u want to know tha God my muslim fellow just tead the verses of surah ikhlas

    definition of God
    Real God

    one who is alone
    never any one bron from him
    who never get birth from any one
    who is alone in his self
    neither he is father not son of any one

    subhan Allah

  40. There are lot of people converting to Islam and we are proud to be a muslim since birth. Allah shows light to the person who he feels is in dark.
    All praises for Allah hu subhanau tallah.

  41. i was actually shocked and happy when i came to know about michel…that he is now mashallah a muslim now…may allah bless u …michel u hav done a great job….

  42. wonderful i was surprised when i knew that micheal jackson became muslim that is a great proud for muslims

  43. salam,

    The singer name is Nour. I think he is Indonesian. You can watch him on huda tv.

    Allah is everywhere with his divine knowledge however he is on Arsh on the sventh heaven.
    The belief that Allah is everywhere is totally false.Does this mean is Allah present in night Clubs, bars etc. Naooz Billah.

  44. hello to all muslims in evrey where of the world 4 those who spents in govantanamo jails i hope all of u be well. iam an afghan national studying in new delhi. iam saying that islam is a complete religion lets say allahu akbar khuda affiz

  45. that is not MJ, that is some ova dude i saw on TV, who does islamic nasheeds.

  46. Assalam-o-Alaikum to all

  47. Assalam-o-Alaikum dear bro and sis he is not a jackson who recite this naat. He ia a Yusuf sami a british muslim, recite this naat.

  48. You guys know what I dont give any fuck if he even accept this.There is nothing feel right or wrong.People in foreign country such as europe or America Muslim people constantly changing their religion n becoming christian to get marry ladies here.So all things like to me here such a business.Michael is going face court in London as one of the Arabian put a case against him.So I think its just a good business.Nothing else.

  49. Assalamu Alaikum brothers and sisters..
    Nice to hear..He understood the truth…
    Maasha Allah..
    Oh allah help our non muslim friends also to get your hidaayath..and protect us from shaitaan’s way and hell fire..pls allow us to enter jannath- Aameen

  50. Jazakallah may Allah bless us all, Inshallah.

  51. assalamualikum to all muslims pray to allah for all our sins the great allah is raheem and kareem he will forgive us for our sins

  52. Allah is the creator of all mankind. He knows every thing even the tought in your mind. Please my dear brothers come to the right path. ALLAH hafiz.

  53. I’m not muslim and i don’t believe in islam but i hope michael jackson finds the right path with whichever religion he chooses. i respect all religions.

  54. Allah jab kisi ko taufeeq de to MJ jaisa de Sab kuch qurban kar dia sirsf ISLAM ki khatir Mabrooq Alf Mabrooq.

  55. assalamu alaikum,micheal jackson.It is always happy when people converts to the right religion.Allah introduced islam as one of the greatest religions in the world.give zakkath, worship allah,and fight against terror.islam does not support terror,because that was mohammed”s path,the right path ,the path to allah not the path to evil…
    islam supports only justice,it does not meant to kill people from behind.if a man can save ones life then he will save the life of mankind and if a man kills another man in an improper way that is not from justice then he will be considered as a man who kill the whole mankind.

  56. Salam walekum 2 all my brothers and sisters.Many many thanks 2 allah who give me every things.No one relegion is better than islam.I deeply impress by islam.Islam is the only relegion who show the right way.People should adopt it.I want 2 say thanks 2 people who start this site.May allah blessed 2 all of us.Allah hafiz.

  57. congratulation this hood alahmdlilal

  58. Salamwalekum 2 my islamic brthr and sister.Today is very especial day for me.Because today i know the most important thing that islam is spread by only love.It is the most benificial relegion in the world.Thanks 2 allah who give me all thigs

  59. Asslam-o-Alaikum,
    My sistrz n brotherz.
    SUBHANALLAH N ALHAMDOLILAH.. M v Hapy to hear it!
    Congrats to brother Mikaeel n Welcum to da Islamic Community!

    Islam z da Future INSHALLAH.

  60. salaam to all muslims….May allah the most beneficient, the most merciful and the most forgive full god bless u all sisters and brothers!!!
    CYA 🙂

  61. Its a hoax. The singer is ZAIN BHIKT, muslim brother from South Africa who was made famous by Yusuf Islam and NOT MJ. Please stop passing this wrong information. I know its God’s will to guide people. But as of now, Michael Jackson is not a Muslim. May he be guided.

  62. @monsoonbreezes

    Apologies to all if this is not MJ. When I posted this, I was very sure that this voice belongs to MJ.

    Anyhow, MJ or Zain, or whoever, the main focus of this post is to announce that MJ has accepted Islam as the way of life.. as his religion.. no doubt Islam is the only religion. He had started to learn and follow Islam a few years back (his brother had embraced Islam many years ago), however, recently, he announced officially to the world that he has embraced Islam. His new name is Mikaeel.

  63. Assalam-o-Alaikum all brothers & sisters. May Allah have mercy on all of us.
    My fellows plz prey for me. I need them. May Allah forgive me. I want to get rid of my sinfull life. I want peace. I m just like the guys u see every where. No thoughts. No sign of being muslim. Alhamd-o-LILLAH I have starded offering prayers. May Allah Almighty show me the right path.
    It’s all bcoz of a girl, i love. We both deeply fell in love with each other. But it seems impossible to us to get married. We r apart now. We dont have any contact with each other. I find no way but
    The only Allah Almighty. U all also prey for us plz. I trust my Allah. He will have mercy on us.
    I need nothing… But ur prayers…
    Plz pray for us… Plz plz plz

  64. Abdul aziz Ibrahim gobir

    Assalmu Ali

  65. is this Michael Jackson?? ! 😀

  66. thank allah for my health,my culture as a muslim,and a
    made me a human being not an tree or an animal!

  67. this is Zain Bhikha, guys!
    check the information first


  69. Syed Faizi Nehtour India

    Allah O Akbar
    Assalam-o-Alaikum all brothers & sisters. May Allah have mercy on all of us.
    I think The singer is ZAIN BHIKT, muslim brother from South Africa who was made famous by Yusuf Islam and NOT MJ.

  70. Yes, I agree that all religions are sacred and should be respected. No one is perfect and everyone makes there mistakes, even in religion there are flaws do to fanatacism and ignorance. Everyone is seeking there personal connection with the Divine,,, and everyone should have the freedom to do so without prejudice or dischord. Only then can we have the paradise that ALL religions and beliefs promise. Peace.

  71. Alhamdulillah.

  72. Aysha Furqan Ahmad


  73. Masallah…a very beatiful naat…a little point to be noticed please write “Allah” wid capital “A”..

  74. salam too all

    yah i have heard that he has converted into muslim …..

    and the other peopleare hiding this.
    and his

    name was given mikaeel
    after he converted to islam

    than y people are now announcing him as
    michael jackson

  75. i belev dat, the only 1 God ALLAH ,creat ol mankind and the universe, ALLAH, WHich is a no limit of comprehend. dats why all muslim belev, hve chance to get inside, hes creat paradise.


  76. this is the very good hamd excelllllllllllllllllllllent

  77. hi. i am amir foladakr in iran . iam moslem(shi)and iam in mashhad. iam very glad to meet you and see this site . good by see you later

  78. from where can i download this hamd??

  79. I love and love and love you ALLAH(God)
    The first is GOD and
    The first is God
    no one can say first i was

  80. Assalam walakum,

    This blog is a very nice blog, I have found it very beneficial to know more about Islam. Thanks for sharing the information.

  81. assalamualaikum to all moslems and michael. happiness in here and in the hereafter may be given to us all. aamiin.

  82. Sayed Naweed Faizy

    i hope every body understand about as well as possible and became accept islam

  83. i love allah sooooooooooooooooooooo much and also i love the prophet mohammad

  84. salam Aaleikom w rahmatu allah w barakato 2a5okom fi allah omar from lebanon and i hope to meet you

  85. sheen casie labitad

    i really love this song… i like the blending thing and it’s so smooth to to the senses…

  86. zain bikkah is 1 good nasheed reader mash allah

  87. hello may name is shakhawan Iam krdish I live in kurdistan north iraq.
    this web site islam
    thank you

  88. sallam to all muslim in the world ang god bles them iam hardi from Kurdistan and thanks to GOD and to the people who made this site

  89. welcome to all my brothers and sisters please don’t discriminate others. don’t be partial as god doesn’t want all these. god loves people as they are. whichever religion you belongs to, will be not considered by god, but god will consider who is good from his heart and to the people. so please don’t focus on converting the religion or anything else. just pray to Allah/god/jesus/buddha/gurunanak and do things which is in favor of humanity and we all will reach to heaven. thanks to all for reading this and god bless you.

  90. welcome to all people over here

  91. loving Allah more than anythng…!!

  92. Mashallah very nice blog.


    beautiful blog….<3



    forgot to say..

    Give thanks to ALLAH=ALHAMDULILLAH…

  95. micheal jacson we not forget you as a muslim & you are also a muslim


  97. I have no doubt this is Michael Jackson, may he rest in peace.
    He embraced Islam, for sure and I consider him a brother.
    But there are evil and ignorant people that don’t want the truth to be known.
    Michaels “This is it” was done, I believe, because he could no longer bear to do more Pop and was fully engaged in Islam. He has left us many beautiful testaments to Islam, not just this song. Yet so many are trying to tell us it was not Michael who sang them. May Allah forgive the ones trying to claim Michael’s muslim songs for their own.

    One of the songs I belive MJ sang claims “A bible message I could never ignore”….no born muslim would say such a thing. It was Michael no doubt. How can you deny his sweet voice and the heart he sings with like no other???!!!

    He was killed before he could do a concert presenting his muslim songs because too many people loved him and the evil powers in this world snuff out all true hearts – it’s a conspiracy that includes JFK, Princess Diana, 9-11 and many more. The evil ones monitor us and take out those who try to spread the real truth.

    Many people have died knowing Islam and unable to spread it because as soon as the evil ones discover the intent to spread truth about the real Islam, they act and kill. Jermaine is Sunni. Sunni muslims are misguided. The proof for me is that Jermaine does not tell the world it is in fact his brother who wrote and sang this and other songs. Jermaine knows for sure because they sang some portions together!!! I believe Michael was Shiah…the original Islam. Jermaine needs further education to reach Michael’s level of love and humanity and to know the real Islam.
    Peace and blessings to MJ and his beloved children. No doubt nothing is hidden and those who try to hide the truth will eventually understand the error of their ways, Insh’Allah!!!

  98. When I insisted and wrote the truth last time about it most certainly being MJ, the websites I wrote on deleted all comments and shut down the ability to write more comments. You don’t have to do that. Let other people continue to comment. I will not write anymore. I don’t need to convince anyone…I am certain in my heart and my previous comments being deleted and the comments section turned off when I made good arguments pointing to the truth only convinced me more that this is my beloved Michael. I always respected his talent, but I fell in deep love with him after I heard his muslim songs. You will not be able to change my conviction and I pray Germaine who is a lesser muslim than Michael – until he speaks up and tells the world – and all Michael’s fans – the truth. Can you imagine the energy of all his fans questioning Islam because they love him and he loved Islam? It could change the world!!! The ignorant ones prefer status quo….and maintain it by killing those of us who speak the real truth…Rest in peace my brother Michael. I wil love you until I breathe my last breath and no one will ever convince me to do otherwise. May your chidlren flourish. You were a great Dad to them!

  99. Wow! I’m surprised you posted my comments. My children and I listen to this and other muslim MJ songs almost every day. They are so moving as anything Michael has done is. He was a great performer and human being. There must be some reason his family is not telling the world….maybe they are respecting MJ’s wish, I don’t know. I don’t call him by his ‘new’ muslim name because it is very sunni to change your name. It is not actually required in the original Islam I have been immersed in and raptured by for so many years. I hope to hear from others who also refuse to accept that this is sung by anyone other than our beloved MJ. There is just no voice or heart that can duplicate him. Mash’Allah!