Friday Khutbah (Sermons) : Life after Ramadan

Friday Khutbah (Sermons) : Life after Ramadan
– by Imam Al-Madinah Al-Munawarrah ‘Abdul Muhsin Ibn Muhammad al-Qasim
from the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah, on 3rd Shawwaal 1421AH

The Transcript:

All praise is due to Allah. We thank Him, we seek for His help and forgiveness. We also seek His refuge against the evils of our souls and that of our deeds. Whoever Allah guides, nobody can mislead him, and whoever He misleads will never have no guide. I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is His Servant and Messenger. May He bestow Peace and blessing upon this noble Prophet, his family and companions.

Fellow Muslims! Fear Allah as He should be feared for, the fear of Allah is the best treasure for you.

Dear Muslims! Months, days and years are made to determine lifespan and to afford people the oppurtunity to perform good deeds. Further, death do patrol day and night to take the souls of those whose time is due and you shall be addressed on the Day of Ressurection on account of your deeds. It is then that your Lord will say:

“These are only your deeds that has been recorded for you and for which I am going to reward you. So, whoever gets a good reward should be thankful to Allah and whoever gets otherwise should only blame himself.”

Dear brothers! Your month of Ramadan has now gone with your deeds. Let those who have committed wrong among you quickly repent and mend their ways before Door of Repentance is closed and let those who have done good continue on the same for, the best of all acts of obedience are the the ones followed up with its like. Be concerned more over the acceptance of your deeds than over the deeds itself for, Allah does not accept deeds except from the pious ones. Also, beware of following up good deeds with bad ones because, if we say that good deeds eradicate bad ones, it is also not impossible that bad deeds destroy good ones.

Brothers in faith! You were – during the just concluded month of righteous – fasting in the day, praying in the night and doing different kinds of sacrificial acts in order to get reward and to be saved from the Fire. With the depature of this month, a stage of our live has passed. Such is how we pass days of this life in stages on our way to the everlasting abode. Indeed, continuation of good deeds at all time is character of righteous people for, acts of obedience do not have a specific time; it is rather Allah’s unconditional right upon His servants as long as they are alive. Though, month of Ramadan is an opportunity for the faithfuls to race with one another towards good deeds and an opportunity to direct one’s soul towards meritorious acts and keep it from vices; yet, it is quite incumbent on Muslims to remain on the path of righteousness even after Ramadan. Worshipping Allah should not be restricted to Ramadan alone for, there is no end to Muslim’s worship except when he dies. What evil people those who worship only time and do not know Allah except in Ramadan!

Dear Muslims! Certainly, the acceptance and rejection of deeds in this month have signs. Among the signs of acceptance of good deed is when it is followed up by good deeds and it is among the signs of rejection to follow up one’s good deeds with evil ones. Therefore, follow up the good deeds with its like, it will be a sign of acceptance of that good deed and follow up your evil deeds with good ones, that will indicate that those evil deeds have been overlooked. Allah says:

“Verily, the good deeds remove the evil deeds (i.e. small sins). That is a reminder (an advice) for the mindful (those who accept advice).” (Surah Hud 11:114)

The Prophet Muhammad sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam also said:

“Fear Allah wherever you are, follow up the evil deed with good one it will remove it and relate with people with good conduct.” (Reported by At-Tirmidhee)

Let those who are determined to go back to sins after Ramadan know that Allah is always pleased with those who obey Him regardless of the month the obedience takes place and is angry with those who disobey Him irrespective of the month the disobedience takes place. The essence of prosperity lies in long life and good deeds and a person’s continuation of good deeds without restricting it to a certain period, particular month or special place is a sign of one’s righteousness and acceptance of his good deeds.

Fellow Muslims! Though Ramadan season is now gone, yet, fasting is still recommended in other months. The Messenger of Allah sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam has recommended fasting on Mondays and Thursdays. He said:

“Deeds are presented to Allah on Mondays and Thursdays and I would like that my deeds be presented while I am fasting.”

It is also reported by Abu Hurayrah (RA) that the prophet admonished thus:

“Fasting for three days in every month is (equal to) fasting forever.” (Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

He also said:

“Whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan and then follows it with six days fasting in Shawwaal has done as if he has fast for live.” (Reported by Muslim)

Though, night prayer during Ramadan might have gone; yet, the night prayers throughout the year is also recommended. It has been authentically reported from the Prophet sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam that:

“Allah use to descend to the nearest heaven to this world when it is the last third of the night and say: “Who is going to call Me that I may answer him? Who is going to ask from Me that I may give to him? Who is going to seek for my Forgiveness that I may forgive him?”

Therefore, the most pleasing to Allah of all acts are the ones that are continuously done.

Fellow Muslims! While there are a set of youths who during the noble month of Ramadan were busy passing their time in lustful things, sins and acts of obedience, there are others who were busy doing deeds of righteousness such as I’tikaaf in the Houses of Allah severing all ties with fellow creatures and meditating with the Creator. They gave obedience of their Lord preference over their own desires. You would see them bowing, prostrating and reciting the Glorious Quran. Such youths are the hope and pride of this Ummah.

Dear Muslims! Fear Allah for fear of Allah is the head of all matters. Obey Allah and keep away from His restrictions, you will achieve His pleasure and be saved from His torment. Do not go back to sins and disobedience so as not to be entitled to His punishment.

Dear brothers, thank your Lord for making you complete the fasting of this month. Enjoy your Eid by remaining consistent on the those good deeds and keep away from undesirable things that are capable of removing Allah’s favors from you. One of our righteous predecessors said:

“Each day in which no act of disobedience to Allah is committed is Eid and each day a believer spent in acts of obedience to his Lord is Eid”

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