Allaah Says the Truth, And He Guides to the Right Way

Allaah Says the Truth, And He Guides to the Right Way
By Imaam As-Sadi (rahimahullaah)

In The Name of Allaah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Allaah (The Most High) said: “Allaah Says the Truth, And He Guides to the Right Way” [Quran, 33: 4]

This noble ayah makes it absolutely clear that Allaah speaks the truth – truthfulness and certainty in His narratives; justice and wisdom in that which He has commanded and prohibited. Everything Allaah has stated is truth, absolute credibility and beneficial for the slaves. It is a source of wellbeing in their creed and manners, and in their religious and worldly affairs. Everything Allaah has commanded is an act of righteousness, a quality of perfection, a benefit and a blessing; and everything Allaah has forbidden is evil, harmful and corruption, whether in the affairs of the worldly life or the religion. The entire Islamic legislation is an explanation of this great principle, which Allaah has mentioned in this Ayah and other than it.

Then Allaah says – “And He (Allaah), guides to the right way”; It is the path leading to the truth which Allaah has mentioned, and by way of which Allaah establishes judgements. Allaah suffices (us) and clarifies this truth for (us) through clear perceptible evidences (i.e. sound evidences that agree with the upright innate human fitrah and the uncorrupted intellect) and divine evidences, as Allaah stated in another Ayah:

“We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their own selves, until it becomes manifest to them that (this Quran) is the truth” [Quran, 41:53]


  • [Source: Ad-Dalaa-il Al-Qur’aaniyyah Fee Annal Uloom Wal-A’maal An-Naafi-a Al-Asriyyah Daakhilatun Fid Deenil Islaamiy’ page 6? by Imaam As-Sadi (rahimahullaah)]

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