A Saudi Guy Walks Into a Bar…

A Saudi guy walks into a bar, decked out in his thobe and kufi. (He doesn’t believe in the meat of the People of the Book arguement.) He walks up to the bar and says: “Bartender, I want a chicken sandwich.”

The bartender looks at him, nods, and turns to fill the order.

A desi guy who sits nearby stares. The Saudi guy turns to the desi guy. Black spiked hair, leather jacket, one hand clamps around the handle of a half-filled mug of beer. The other curls around his girlfriend.

The desi guy says: “Hey man, you know that’s not halal, right?”

Who’s more messed up, the Saudi guy, or the desi guy?

This is no joke. This happens in real life.

Who’s this desi brother to speak, you might ask, when he’s totally into haram? Isn’t that hypocritical?

Allah (subhanahu ta’ala) blesses certain nations with certain things. The Saudis, they’re blessed by being looked up to. When they enjoin good, other people follow their example. But when they enjoin evil, Allah (subhanahu ta’ala) can punish them more for all the people they misguide by their example.

When the potential for reward increases, the potential for punishment increases.

Quite often, not-quite-practicing brothers and sisters say things like: “It’s ok if I mix, I’m not hurting anyone” or “it’s only a beer, nobody will know,” or “I’m not representing Islam since I don’t observe beard/hijab.” But people do see the examples, and get misguided.

Wallahu ‘alim.

May Allah protect us from misguiding people with our actions, ameen.

References: Muhammad Alshareef. Lecture – AlMaghrib. Conquest: History of the Khulafa, University of Toronto, Toronto. November 2005.

About navedz

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  1. Assalmu Alaikum brother,

    Thanks for the nice post. May Allah reward you

    I have heard stories from my relatives , who works in UAE about the cruelties they and their friends endure from some Arab children and adults

    One of my nephew told me that, he was walking past a street at night and and a vehicle stopped near him , 3 or 4 Arab children( teenagers) came out of a car and spray painted him including his face and during the process they were laughing aloud and subsequently quickly vanished in the car and many similar stories like slapping , not paying the bills after purchase etc etc. The sad thing is that they do this to the non whites who are the poor workpass holders from the less developed countries.

    I have heard so many stories from the house maids who works in Arab countries to feed the hungry mouths back home are also victims to their cruelty and abuse. One of my Muslim brother , who is a professional working at UAE also told me so many stories about the way they belittle the less fortunate people.

    It is very sad that they are not showing a good example to MUSLIMS and NON MUSLIMS. I am sure RASULULLAH is upset to see all these things. Since Allah have blessed them with material sustenance they are forgetting that fact that everything will be recorded in Sijjeen. On the judgement day everything will be revealed to everyone and misqeens ( poor people, who are pious) will be the first to enter paradise not the lazy, pretentious people who are living and abusing ALLAH’s mercy and sustenance. YES, THEY WILL BE SEVERELY PUNISHED HERE AND HEREAFTER.

    May Allah forgive me if I have offended anyone, but I do really feel that my muslim and non muslim brothers don’t deserve these things. I am NOT generalising those comments to all Arabs , I am sure there are lot of pious among them who silently weep seeing these atrocious actions

    May we all pray for them that Allah bless them with the divine light and we can meet them at Jannathul Firdaus.

    Assalamu Alaikum