Enough is Enough

geert-wildersA Dutch member of parliament has called for the Quran to be banned in the Netherlands, describing it as a “fascist book” which calls on people to kill non-believers and rape women. Geert Wilders, leader of the far-right Freedom Party, called for the ban in a letter dated 8 August, 2007, published in De Volkskrant newspaper.

In his letter, Wilders compares the Muslim holy book to Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler’s autobiography, and said the Quran has “no place in our constitutional state”.“I have been saying this for years: there is no such thing as a moderate Islam,” Wilders wrote.

Wilders’ Freedom Party holds nine seats in the Netherlands‘ 150 seat parliament.

Call for banWilders also said several chapters in the Quran “call on Muslims to oppress, persecute or kill Christians, Jews, dissidents and non-believers, to beat and rape women and to establish an Islamic state by force”.

The publication of the letter comes after a weekend attack on Eshan Jami, a young Dutch politician, who established a group to support people who have renounced Islam. Jami, who was not visibly injured in the attack, is now under police protection as is Wilders.“

Ban this wretched book like Mein Kampf is banned! Send a signal to Jami’s attackers and other Islamic radicals that the Quran cannot be used in the Netherlands as an inspiration or an excuse for violence,” Wilders said.

Wilders acknowledged that his plan would not receive majority support in the Dutch parliament.

“Those who see the extremists of the Muslim Brotherhood as partners for discussion. Those who permit Muslim men to refuse to let their wives be treated by a male doctor. Those who couldn’t care less about the interests of the Dutch citizen and are working to transform the Netherlands into Netherlarabia as a province of the super state Eurabia. I am fed up with Islam in the Netherlands: no more Muslim immigrants allowed. I am fed up with the worship of Allah and Muhammad in the Netherlands: no more mosques. I have had enough of the Quran in the Netherlands. Ban that wretched book. Enough is enough,” his letter concluded.

Referring to the increased presence of Muslims in the Netherlands, he said: Take a walk down the street and see where this is going. You no longer feel like you are living in your own country. There is a battle going on and we have to defend ourselves. Before you know it there will be more mosques than churches!

Later, he suggested that Muslims should ‘tear out half of the Quran if they wished to stay in the Netherlands‘ because it contained ‘terrible things’ and that Muhammad would ‘in these days be hunted down as a terrorist’. These statements caused strong reactions in Muslim countries such as Tunisia, Morocco and Saudi Arabia. On August 8, 2007, Wilders opined in a letter to the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant that the Quran, which he called a “fascist book,” should become outlawed in the Netherlands, like Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.

Geert Wilders, on Thursday, March 27 2008, posted a controversial anti-Quran documentary on a video-sharing website.

The 15-minute film, entitled “Fitna,” an Arabic word for sedition or strife, starts with a Danish cartoon showing a man described as Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) with a ticking bomb in his turban.

It then shows a page from the Noble Quran on the right and a translation of one specific verse on the left.

In the following scene, the Quran page is replaced by a plane hitting the New York World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, while the verse remains on the left.

Similar segments follow the same pattern linking verses from the Quran to attacks such as the 2004 Madrid train bombing, the 2005 London bombing, the attack on US soldiers in Somalia a decade ago, the murder of Dutch director Theo van Gogh in 2004 and beheadings in Iraq.

The controversial films has drawn rebuke from the UN, EU and the dutch government.

We say: Actually… Enough is Enough. Calling the Quran a ‘fascist book’ is a groundless, fabricated allegation that can only come from an ignorant. We believe it serves no purpose other than to offend. Quran is the book which you need to keep because of your extreme misguidance and hypocrisy; this is the book which will heal you and your hypocrite countrymen. But since you don’t believe in such things, and wish to destroy the book of Allah, then go ahead with this attitude and see what will become of you when the Angels of death tear out your soul. No matter how many times you may desecrate our Quran, you will never find us desecrating your Holy Books. This is because we have morals and standards which we live by and we fear Allah.

About navedz

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  1. The Bible says some bad things also. But we have done away with slavery. Maybe it is time to stop killing non-believers. There are way too many good Muslims to take the acts of a few crackpots as the status quo.

  2. @gotea

    Islam is a religion of PEACE. It doesn’t teach us to kill unlike other religions. Muslims start their greetings with “As-salaam-wa Alaikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuh”, which means in English “May GOD’s peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.”

    Allah states: “Whoever kills a human being… then it is as though he has killed all mankind; and whoever saves a human life it is as though he had saved all mankind.”

    No one probably ever heard of such a stunning message of peace, which considers killing just one person (be it innocent or not) tantamount to killing the entire humanity? Now the doubters should not have any more skepticism about Muslim’s claim that “Islam is a religion of peace”.

    The unjustified criticisms of and spitting venoms at Islam by the hateful Islam-bashers got to stop now.

  3. I agree completely. Religions have long been used as an excuse for killing. Even when it is contrary to everything they stand for.

    With respect.