Media Page
Below are 11 infographics that explain the Israeli-Palestinian Apartheid. The graphics provide facts…
By Ramzy Baroud | Source: Palestine Chronicle It is still not about Islam, even if the media and mil…
One day, a man from Madinah approached the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu alayhi wassallam) for help, …
I often hear the awfully misinformed and false claim: “They have been killing each other forever and…
A speech by Rania Masri, the keynote speaker, during the ‘Texas For Gaza’ protest on Aug…
By Jonathan Cook – Nazareth | Source: PalestineChronicle A single incident at the weekend – the repo…
By: Dr. Mosheer Amer – Gaza | Source: PalestineChronicle Mainstream media pursues reporting that is …
A Special Du’a by Mishary Rashid Alafasy for Gaza / Palestine Allah is sufficient for us. He i…
Source: PalestineChronicle | By Ludwig Watzal The kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers and their mu…
When the Muslims surrounded Jerusalem, the inhabitants said they would surrender the city only if th…