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Anti-Islamist Pastor Terry Jones, who was sentenced to death by an Egyptian court in November 2012 f…
By Ramzy Baroud | Source: PalestineChronicle On April 21, the BBC obtained disturbing video footage …
“If you want to destroy any nation without war, create adultery or nudity common in the young…
Friday Khutbah : Syria Crisis – O Bilad al-Sham! You are in Our Hearts!! Khutbah by Sh. Yasir …
Thucydides, the well-known author of The History of the Peloponnesian War wrote: “The strong d…
In the past few centuries the Muslim world was much more integrated than we realize. It was one soci…
Allah says in the Quran, Surah Al Muddaththir, 74:40-46 :- “(They will be) in Gardens (of Deli…
By William James Martin | Source: PalestineChronicle The ideology, or political project, of Zionism …
Praise be to Allah. The Arabic word ightisaab refers to taking something wrongfully by force. It is …
Earthquakes are one of the great signs of Allah in this universe, with which He tests His slaves as …