We are responsible for our actions

In Islam we are encouraged to be good. Allah will only hold us responsible for our actions. If we even think good, Allah rewards us no matter if we didn’t do the good action. Just thinking good is enough. If we think bad, we will not be punished just for thinking bad unless we do the bad action. If we think bad and then do Astaghfar (ask forgiveness sincerely), we get reward for saying sorry for a bad thought.

People (Muslims or otherwise) from different parts of the world go and settle in new places. Sometimes they have cultural baggage that are not required. They take it with them. These baggage cause problem for them, for the people living there, for others like them who have come in past or will come in future. In the end we are responsible for our actions in front of Allah and also the law of the land. We should always keep this in mind.

About navedz

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