Thrown in the Fire…

The Miracle of Ibrahim, for Abu Muslim.

When Al-Aswad (The False Prophet) gained a considerable following in Yemen, he sent for Abu Muslim Al-Khaulaanee (radhiAllahu anhu). When Abu Muslim came before him, Al-Aswad haughtily asked, “Do you bear witness that I am indeed the Messenger of Allah?”

Abu Muslim said, “I do not hear.”

Al-Aswad said, “Do you bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam)?”

Abu Muslim said, “Yes.”

Al-Aswad repeatedly asked the two questions, and Abu Muslim repeatedly gave the same answers for both. So furious did Al-Aswad become that he ordered for Abu Muslim to be thrown into a large fire. Some people gathered to witness the event, but to everyone’s utmost shock, the fire did not harm or burn Abu Muslim Al-Khaulaanee in the least. Someone, trying to save Al-Aswad from embarrassment, said to him, “Send this man away, for if he stays, he will cause your followers to turn against you.”

Al-Aswad, fearing Abu Muslim and being certain, based on his prior experience, that he would not be able to kill him, ordered him to leave Yemen. Abu Muslim (radhiAllahu anhu) headed towards Al-Madinah, and by the time he arrived there, the Messenger of Allah (sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam) had already passed on, and Abu Bakr (radhiAllahu anhu) had been appointed as his Khalifah. Having tied his riding animal to the door of the Masjid, Abu Muslim went inside and began to pray.

‘Umar (radhiAllahu anhu) noticed the stranger, went to him, and said, “Where are you from?”

Abu Muslim (radhiAllahu anhu) humbly replied, “I am from the inhabitants of Yemen.”

‘Umar (radhiAllahu anhu), who had heard about Abu Muslim’s story but had never met Abu Muslim before, asked, “What Happend to the man that ‘The Liar (Al-Aswad)’ tried to burn with fire?”

Abu muslim replied, “That was ‘Abdullah ibn Thaub,” using a Kunyah so as to avoid ‘Umar’s praise. But ‘Umar (radhiAllahu anhu), always perceptive and a good judge of men, said, “I ask you by Allah, are you him?”

Abu Muslim (radhiAllahu anhu) could not lie, so he simply answered in the affirmative. ‘Umar (radhiAllahu anhu) hugged him and cried, and he then seated Abu Muslim (radhiAllahu anhu) between himself and Abu Bakr (radhiAllahu anhu).

And then ‘Umar (radhiAllahu anhu) said, “All praise is for Allah, Who has delayed my death enough for Him to allow me to see among the nation of Muhammad a person for whom Allah cause the same thing to occur as He caused to occur for Ibrahim (alayhis salaam) the Khaleel of Allah (For Ibrahim (alayhis salaam) too was thrown into a large fire, and Allah protected him from being harmed or burned by it; and instead, the fire was coolness for him).”

Source : Asadul-Ghaabah and Al-Istee’aab
(Above from an email I received)

About navedz

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