The Noble Quran is the speech of Allah

One year, when Al-Asma’i was on his way to perform hajj, a bedouin carrying a large sword and a long spear confronted him. It was quite obvious that he was a highway robber. He came near Al-Asma’i and instead of fleeing or attempting to escape, Al-Asma’i drew nearer to him. He extended greetings of peace to the robber. The latter responded and then asked, “Where are you from?”

“I am a poor man on a journey,” was Al-Asma’i’s reply.

“Do you have anything with you?” asked the robber.

“Yes, I have with me the Quran,” answered Al-Asma’i.

“And what is the Quran?” asked the robber.

“It is the speech of Allah ‘Azza wa Jall,” said Al-Asma’i.

“And does Allah have speech?”

“Yes,” replied Al-Asma’i.

“Then let me hear some of His speech,” said the robber.

Al-Asma’i recited the following verse:

“And in heaven is your Sustenance, as (also) that which ye are promised.” (Surah Al Dhariyat 51:22)

When the robber heard these words, he began to cry, and threw down his sword and spear, and said, “Perish the highway robber, who seeks sustenence on the Earth, when it is really in the heavens!”

Al-Asma’i was very much pleased to see the quick transformation of the robber.

On the following year, when Al-Asma’i went to perform Hajj again, he saw the former robber – whose face now had the signs of faith written on it – clinging to the curtain of the Kaaba. It was late in the night and he was saying, “O my Lord, the eyes are sleeping and every loved one is with his beloved. The gates of all kings are now closed, but Your gate is open to those who ask of You. Would that I knew whether You accepted this night of worship from me…”

Source : Stories of Repentance – by Muhammad Abduh Mughawiri

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