There is another important aspect that Muslim scholars have traditionally considered the greatest miraculous aspect of the Quran, this is the linguistic miracle. Muslims and non Muslims alike acclaim that best Arabic literature available on the face of the earth is the Glorious Quran. Its language is rich, noble and eloquent. The Arabs were very proud of their language. The very word that they used for foreigner, ajami, basically meant one who is barbarous in speech or lacking clarity in his speech. However, even they were no match for the Quran. Before the Quran, they used to have fairs and competition to see which of them could produce the most beautiful work in Arabic.
However, according to Draz: “But when the Quran was revealed all such fairs came to an end, and literary gatherings were defunct. From now on, the Quran was the only work to command people’s attention. None of them could challenge or compete with it, or even suggest that a single word be changed, moved, added or omitted from the sentence where it occurs. Yet the Quran did not close the door to competition. Indeed, it left it wide open, calling on them, individually and collectively, to take up its challenge and produce anything similar to it. It repeated the challenge in different forms, berating their inability to do so, and reducing the task for them time after time.”

Ever since the Quran was revealed, fourteen centuries ago, no one has been able to produce a single chapter like the chapters of the Quran in their beauty, eloquence, splendor, wise legislation, true information, true prophecy, and other perfect attributes. Also, note that the smallest chapter in the Quran ( Chapter 108 ) is only ten words, yet no one has ever been able to meet this challenge, then or today.Some of the disbelieving Arabs who were enemies of the Prophet Muhammad tried to meet this challenge to prove that Muhammad was not a true prophet, but they failed to do so. This failure was despite the fact that the Quran was revealed in their own language and dialect and that the Arabs at the time of Muhammad were a very eloquent people who used to compose beautiful and excellent poetry, still read and appreciated today.When the pagans alleged that Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) had committed forgery and thus produced the Quran, the Quran immediately challenged them and offered them a falsification test.
(i) In Surah Al-Isra chapter 17 verse 88
“Say : “If mankind and the Jinns gathered in order to produce the like of this Quran, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to each other assistants.”
The Quran repeats the challenge to produce a work like the Quran in Surah Tur Chapter 52 verse 34
(ii) Later the falsification test was made easier in Surah Hud chapter 11 verse 13
“Or do they say, “He invented it?” Say, “Then bring ten Surahs like it that have been invented and call upon (for assistance) whoever you can besides Allah, if you should be truthful.”
(iii) The Quran repeats the challenge and further simplifies the falsification test in Surah Yunus chapter 10 verse 38.
CRITERIA FOR PRODUCING A SURAH LIKE IT : The criteria for producing a surah like the Quran are as follows: since the Quran is in Arabic, the Surah so produced should also be in Arabic, which should be equivalent in standards to that of the Quran.
1. The Quran maintain throughout the highest possible standard of in its speech.
2. The Language of the Quran is most clear, meaningful, intelligible, unsurpassable and miraculous.
3. It does not deviate from the truth and still maintains its eloquence, rhythm and style unlike human poetry and literature.
4. The Quran repeat several information in difference styles and by passages and narrations of varying sizes, all being of a very high standard that one cannot be preferred to another
5. The Quran encompasses a vast range of meaning in a surprisingly small number of words without losing its charm and majesty.
6. The Ability of the Quran to address a multitude of people. The same verse of the Quran is appreciated by an intelligent person as well as a common man.
“Or do they say, “He invented it ? ” Say: “Then bring forth a Surah like it, and call upon (for assistance) whoever you can besides Allah, if you should be truthful.”
Even this easy challenge was unmet and thus the pagans had no ground to say that Prophet Muhammad had presented the Quran through forgery.
Finally the Quran put forward a falsification test, which is the easiest of all. In Surah Al-Baqarah chapter 2 verse 23 and 24.
“And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down (i.e. the Quran) upon our servant, then produce a Surah like thereof and call upon your witnesses (i.e. supporters) other than Allah, if you should be truthful. But if you do not – and you will never be able to – then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers.” (2:23-24)
The Quran says ‘Mim Mislihi‘ i.e. somewhat similar, it does not say ‘Mislihi‘ i.e. exactly similar, like in the previous challenge.
The Quran does not contain a single contradiction.
The Quran also gives a falsification test in Surah Nisa chapter 4 verse 82 which any one in the world can try.
“Do they not reflect upon the Quran? If it had been from (any) other than Allah, they would have found within it much contradiction.”
Today if any one wants to prove that the Quran is not the word of God, he just has to point out a single contradiction in the Quran.
There are many unbelievers who tried to point out several alleged contradiction in the Quran but all of their attempts were either out of context, mistranslations or misquotations. A maulana who may be an expert in the historical knowledge of Quran and Islam but who is not very well versed in the field of science, and is asked regarding an alleged scientific mistake in the Quran, he may not be in a position to clarify it. This does not indicate that the Quran contains a scientific discrepancy and is thus not the word of God.
The Quran says in Surah Furqan chapter 25:59, ‘Ask the person who is well – acquainted’ meaning ask the person who has knowledge about that field. Similarly, if you want to enquire about the Arabic recitation of the Quran or if you point out a grammatical mistake in the Quran, you should enquire with a Qari who is an expert in recitation of the Quran or a person who is an expert in Arabic grammar.
If one is unable to clarify the alleged Arabic mistake in the Quran that does not prove that Quran contains mistakes and is not the word of God.
In sum, if anyone still has any doubt about the Quran, let him rise to this challenge.
A Very Important Statement of the Prophet
It was not an afterthought that this Quran is miraculous. It was not that scholars after the time of the Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon him, looked at it and declared that it was a miracle. No, indeed, this Book was meant to be the miracle of the Prophet Muhammad and his greatest sign. The disbelievers at the time of the Prophet were seeking some other kind of miracle — perhaps more tangible or requiring less thought — but Allah made it clear that this Quran should be sufficient as a sign testifying to the veracity of the Prophet.
Allah says:“And they say, ‘Why are not signs sent down to him from his Lord?’ Say, ‘The signs are only with Allah, and I am only a plain warner.’ Is it not sufficient for them that We have sent down to you the Book which is recited to them? Verily, herein is mercy and a reminder for a people who believe.” (Quran 29:50-51)
Indeed, this Book should be sufficient for any sincere, truth-seeking individual. There is no need for any other signs or miracles after this Book. This is the gist of what Allah has said in this passage.
The Prophet also made a very important statement concerning this sign and miracle that Allah had given him. Since he was the final prophet, the nature of his sign and miracle had to be different from all that preceded him. It had to be a miracle that could have a lasting affect until the Day of Judgment. Indeed, it is. Even more so, it is a very different type of miracle. It is one upon which humans can reflect and be completely convinced of its truth.
Thus, the Prophet said, “There has been no prophet except that Allah gave him miracles due to which people believed in him. I have been given (as my miracle) the revelation which Allah revealed to me. I hope, thereby, that I will have the largest number of followers on the Day of Judgment.” (Recorded by Al-Bukhari)
Given the nature of the sign that the Prophet has received, there is no excuse for people of other times not to follow the Prophet. Hence, he will, Allah willing, have the greatest number of followers on the Day of Judgment. Ameen!
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