Move over… here comes Mr. Miswaak! The use of the miswaak was a daily habit of the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) and Ramadan should be used as an opportunity to adopt as much sunnah as possible.
Abu Umamah (RA) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Use the Miswaak, for verily, it purifies the mouth, and it is a Pleasure for the Lord. Jibreel (AS) exhorted me so much to use the Miswaak that I feared that its use would be decreed obligatory upon me and upon my Ummah. If I did not fear imposing hardship on my Ummah I would have made its use obligatory upon my people. Verily, I use the Miswaak so much that I fear the front part of my mouth being peeled (by constant and abundant brushing with the Miswaak).” [Ibn Majah]