Ramadan : Combining Fasting with feeding the Poor in Ramadan

Photo Courtesy : Arnel Angeles
Photo Courtesy : Arnel Angeles

Combining fasting with feeding the poor is one of the means of reaching Paradise, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “In Paradise there are rooms whose outside can be seen from the inside and the inside can be seen from the outside. Allaah has prepared them for those who feed the poor, who are gentle in speech, who fast regularly and who pray at night when people are asleep.” [Reported by Ahmad 5/343; Ibn Khuzaymah, no. 2137. Al-Albaani said in his footnote, its isnaad is hasan because of other corroborating reports].

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever gives food to a fasting person with which to break his fast, will have a reward equal to his, without it detracting in the slightest from the reward of the fasting person.” [Reported by al-Tirmidhi, 3/171; Saheeh al-Targheeb, 1/451]

A number of the Pious Predecessors (may Allaah have mercy on them) preferred the poor over themselves when feeding them at the time of iftaar. Among these were ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Umar, Malik ibn Dinar, Ahmad ibn Hanbal and others. ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Umar would not break his fast unless there were orphans and poor people with him.

As we learn once more about the countless blessings that Allah showers upon us in Ramadan, let us not forget our brothers and sisters without food or drink.

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