Renowned Islamic scholar and founder of Peace TV, Dr. Zakir Naik has been banned from the UK. Dr. Naik was planning to speak at a Peace Conference Tour between 25th-27th June 2010, in Sheffield, London and Birmingham. Dr. Zakir Naik welcomes Muslims, Christians, Hindus, and Jews towards standing together on common grounds. Peace is and has always been his principle. May Allah show all the truth.The decision to ban his entry into the UK was taken by Home Secretary Teresa May who said, “Numerous comments made by Dr Naik are evidence to me of his unacceptable behavior. Coming to the UK is a privilege, not a right and I am not willing to allow those who might not be conducive to the public good to enter the UK.” In a press release issued by the Islamic Research Foundation on 11th June, Dr. Naik categorically denied glorifying terrorism, outlining his outright condemnation of ‘acts of violence’. He also said he was seeing legal advice over the misrepresentation of his views. A typical attempt at Quoting a person out-of-context and you change the view of the entire nation. In all the headlines utterances (includes media)… Dr Zakir Naik has been quoted out of context in all instances. It is also a matter for the record that Dr Zakir Naik has been unequivocal in his condemnation of all acts of terrorism (to include the 9/11 and 7/7 acts).
Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari said today “this exclusion order demonstrates the double standards practiced by the government concerning freedom of speech. While preachers of hate such as Geert Wilders are free to promote their bigotry in this country, respected Muslim scholars such as Dr Naik are refused entry to the UK under false pretenses. It is deeply regrettable this is likely to cause serious damage to community cohesion in our country.”
Following on from recent malicious and specious reports in the British media about my work, a press release was issued dated 11th June 2010.
Further to this I am disappointed to learn the British Government has decided to exclude me from coming to the United Kingdom to conduct a Peace Conference Tour between 25th-27th June 2010.
Despite this I intend to continue my work of interfaith dialogue; Coming together upon common terms with other people and faith groups to promote a greater understanding of the binding strands existing between the faiths, whilst dispelling fears, suspicions and misconceptions about the beautiful faith of Islam, that have been created by a media frenzy of Islamophobia.
I encourage all Muslims to serve their country with dignity and honour and my message to vulnerable young British Muslims is that terrorism and violent extremism, is totally unacceptable and has no place in Islamic life.
I would urge the British Government to permit the Peace Conference Tour to continue as scheduled and assist in the promotion of Peace and social harmony, whilst upholding the values of freedom and justice.
– Dr Zakir Naik – 17th June 2010 [Source : www.islamnewsroom.com]
What had Dr Zakir Naik said one week before he was banned?
“I have spoken out on numerous occasions against all and any acts of terrorism and I have unequivocally condemned such acts of violence; acts including 9/11, 7/7 and 7/11 (serial train bombings in Mumbai) which are completely and absolutely unjustifiable on any basis,” eminent Islamic scholar Dr Zakir Naik had said on June 11, exactly a week before he was banned (June 18) from entering Britain for his alleged support to terrorism and “unacceptable behavior”.
Dr Naik had issued his signed statement in response to media reports in Britain preceding his scheduled visit (June 18-28), portraying him as “Preacher of Hate” and “Terror Backer”.
“I believe recent press reports in the UK media have given a warped and wholly unjustified impression of my work by portraying me as “Preacher of Hate” and “Terror Backer”. I categorically reject as falsehoods any such allegations. These are totally untrue and a misrepresentation of the truth. It appears these sensational headlines have been based on some of my quotes that have been given either without the relevant context or are completely wrong. It is clear from my talks, that in Islam, terrorism; the killing of innocent civilians is completely forbidden and as such I have unequivocally stated that no Muslim should be a terrorist.”
Dr Zakir Naik had clearly stated that during his UK tour he will give a message of peace and a clear and concise message to young British Muslims that terrorism and violent extremism, including suicide bombings killing innocent civilians have no place in Islam.
“My tour to the UK will be focused on delivering a message of peace based on Islamic values and bridging the gap of understanding between the major faiths. My visit will include engaging in constructive and positive dialogue between members of different communities and to dispel the misconceptions of Islam. I will be delivering a message of peace, unity respect and tolerance for any differences that may prevail. I also understand the sensitivities and current difficult climate prevailing within the west and therefore my tour will also include a clear and concise message to young British Muslims that terrorism and violent extremism, including suicide bombings killing innocent civilians, is totally unacceptable and has no place in Islamic life, based on the Glorious Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.”
“I hope to reach out to all youngsters and persons generally who promote confrontation and violence in the name of Islam; to engage in peaceful and constructive discussion with other communities, authorities and government to deal with any issues or grievances they may be fostering,” Dr Naik said in his June 11 statement on the letterhead of Mumbai-based Islamic Research Foundation that he heads.
He had said that he was discussing with lawyers in UK seeking legal remedy for his distorted image in the British media.
“It appears that some of the quotes have been taken from edited and manipulated excerpts uploaded onto the you-tube website including a talk that I delivered in 1996 in Singapore which was prior to the 9/11 atrocity. I am currently seeking advice from lawyers in the UK on the legal remedy and actions in the light of these reports.”
But ignoring his clarification about his views on terrorism and the purpose of his UK visit, the British government decided to ban him from entering UK the day he was scheduled to – June 18.
Announcing the ban, British Home Secretary Theresa May said: “Numerous comments made by Dr Naik are evidence to me of his unacceptable behaviour.” She further said: “Coming to the UK is a privilege, not a right and I am not willing to allow those who might not be conducive to the public good to enter the UK.”
BBC quoted a spokesman for Dr Zakir Naik as describing the move “deeply regrettable”. The UK government had bowed to pressure from certain groups to exclude him, he said. The spokesman further said Dr Naik had been holding talks in the UK for 15 years and the decision to bar his entry was disappointing.
Meanwhile the Muslim Council of Britain has deplored British Government move to ban Dr. Zakir Naik from entering UK. The Council said UK Home Secretary Theresa May’s action “serves to demonise the very voices within the world ready for debate and discussion.” [Source : Two Circles]
A disgraceful decision by the British Government to ban Dr. Zakir Naik. But it is not unusual or shocking. This could always be expected by the Western countries. And they talk about freedom of speech… wow! Do they think that this way they would be able to stop the truth (Islam) from growing and spreading across the world? They draw cartoons in the name of freedom of speech and thought, ban Hijab in the name of liberating women, let Geert Wilders propagate his hatred towards Islam openly to the extent of dishonouring the holy book of Allah (Quran), …….. and then they misquote Dr. Naik who stands for peace and ban him. Where is all the talk about ‘Freedom of Speech’ gone now? And here it was being used for the betterment of the society. Sheer Double Standards of the West.
They don’t want non-Muslims to come to the truth. I believe this would definitely make people from different religions to look into Dr Naik’s views to see why they are “extreme and unacceptable” as claimed. Injustice and oppression is becoming the trend of the world. During the rule (oppression) of the British Government in India, Bhagat Singh was a patriotic hero to the Indians, but for the British he was a terrorist and they sent him to the Gallows. After the British oppression ended in India, India got its freedom and had to get a new vision for its future. Mahatma Gandhi quoted that “If India has to improve it should be ruled by a dictator as honest and upright as Hazrat Umar (radhiAllahu anhu)”. Who was this person? He was the best of leaders of the Muslim nation. He was an emblem of justice. He ruled as a true slave of Allah, treated Muslims and non-Muslims alike when it came to justice. We need the leaders of today to follow Umar’s footsteps.
With the World Demography changing, especially Europe and US, the government there are worried about their presence and power.. worried about threat that Islam poses to their radical and unjust agendas… they are scared of being proven wrong with their ideologies…the truth will be spread from East to West and from North to South. InshaAllah!
A Report on the World’s Changing Demographics (2008)
The Catholic church recently reported that Islam has just surpassed their membership numbers.
Some study show that with Islam’s current rate of growth in 5 to 7 years, it will be the dominant religion of the world. The World is changing and people in power are worried about it. (Report in the video below is from non-muslims)
And Dr. Zakir Naik, I just wanted to tell you that we all are for you, always. We know, you stand for the truth and afraid of Allah alone.
Also Watch : Dr. Zakir Naik – Is Terrorism a Muslim Monopoly?
I am disturbed by the decision taken by Home Secretary Teresa May of banning Dr. Naik’s entry to UK. The decision is obviously based on wrong information give to her. Instead of getting feedbacks from those fearful of Dr. Zakir naik’s argumentative power , Home Secretary Teresa May should make an independent transparent investigation. This is not difficult since his speeches are available everywhere making Dr. Zakir Naik like an open book for anyone to read. If she is a courageous lady she can still investigate the whole truth and reverse her wrong decision. Undoubtedly he is a man of love and peace and yet a very strong person in his Islamic belief. He is a true da’ee of Islam and hence never insults any religion be it Hinduism, Sikkhism or Christianity. It is not without a reason that people of all faiths numbering in tens of thousand flock to hear him speak.
I earnestly request to the Home Secretary to please grant him a visa. She would get the gratitude of thousands of people of different faiths. If she refuses, she should know that in the present age no one can stop anyones’s message of love (and unfortunately of hate) reaching others by banning one’s entry.