Picture Perfect : “Oh Compasionate One…”


“Oh Allah, indeed there are sins between me and You;
and there are sins between me and Your creation.
Oh Allah, what is this for You, so forgive me my sins;
and whatever arises from them, bear them for me
and enrich me with Your favour, for Your forgiveness spreads wide.
Oh Allah, enlighten the knowledge of my heart;
and render my body obedient to You;
and purify me from inner discord and occupy me with contemplation;
and protect me from the whisperings of Satan;
and save me from him, Oh Compassionate One,
until he no longer has any power over me.

About navedz

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  1. There is faith in any religion…but i think from what i saw, and what i learn the last few month…you, have the most faith i ever saw in any religion…Allah must love you very much…

  2. Such a beautiful supplication.