Khalifah Ali

candleOne day Khalifah Ali was carefully recording all the money that came into the treasury and all that was spent from it by the light of a candle.

At that time, Talha and Jubair came to him for personal reasons.

When they sat down, Ali lit another candle and put out the first candle.

The guests exchanged a glance of surprise and then one of them asked: “O Ali, we have come on some important business. But why did you put out the first candle?”

“That was a candle bought with Treasury funds. As long as I worked for treasury, I used it. Now you have come for some personal work, so I use the candle bought from my personal fund.” replied the Khalifah.

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Your Speech Follows Up on You, it Pursues You, and it Holds You to Account — Shaikh Salih Al-Fawzan

Your Speech Follows Up on You, it Pursues You, and it Holds You to Account …


  1. Assalaamu ‘Alaikum waRahmatu(A)llaahi waBarakaatuh
    May Allaah bestow the Zuhd(Not loving Dunyaa(Life of this world)) and Taqwaa(Abstaining from actions disliked by Allaah) of ‘Ali radiyAllaahu ‘anhu(May Allaah be pleased with Him) upon all Muslim brothers and sisters who are alive as well as upon those who are yet to come in Dunyaa.

    JazaakAllaah(May Allaah reward you in Dunyaa and aakhirah(The Hereafter)) brother for this effort at Tableegh(Propagating Deen(Religion) of Allaah).

  2. Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi,verily this is Leadership by example.Allaah(SWT)has enjoined us to give back trust to whom it belongs,this is one of the sign and quality of a true pious muuminin, Karramallaahu waj hahu Aliyu bn Abi Talib (RA).The Khalifa (RA) is teaching us to be honest in all our dealings with who ever we come across because a day of certainty is very near and will surely come. on that day the ALMIGHTY LORD will ask us to explain bit by bit what is entrusted on us,ranging from our dear LIVES,wealth,parents,wives,children,leadership,friends and associate to mention but a few.How ready and confident are we?because this LIFE is a journey and we are travelers passing through as we go ,the reality is the HEREAFTER.Lest I forget today is the tenth of ALMUHARRAM I Pray to ALMIGHTY ALLAAH to forgive the entire Islamic Ummah and may ALLAAH Grant the entire members of your staff Jannatul FIRDAUS.


  4. Assalamu Alaikum brother

    Masha Allah , very nice post and a good reminder.
    Yes, it is very important to be cautious, even for little things in life
    Allah will increase the abundance when you exercise caution in all these daily affairs
    I was recently talking to someone and the person was mentioning how someone cheated him/ her a few thousands of dollars in a joint business venture.

    During the conversation, I told my friend that i will call you from my phone since it is about half an hour. Then he /she replied , I use my office phone for oversease calls and I don’t need to pay.

    When I read your post it reminded me of the telephone call.

    Wish you best of health and Iman
    Jazakallahu khairan
    May Allah accept all the good deeds from us and make the journey towards paradise easier for us.. Ameen