How to ward off the evils of Wealth

Sa’eed bin Ayman, the freed slave of Ka’b bin Sur, said:

“While the Messenger of Allah was speaking to his companions, a poor man came and sat down beside a rich man. From his movement, it seemed as if the rich man were moving his garment away so that the poor man wouldn’t touch it. The Messenger of Allah’s [color] changed [from anger], and he said:

“O so-and-so! Were you afraid that your richness would transfer to him, or that his poverty would transfer to you?”

“And is richness evil?” asked the rich man.

The Prophet said, “Yes, for your richness invites you to the Hell-fire, while his poverty invites him to Paradise.”

The rich man asked, “Then how can I save myself from that?”

The Prophet answered, “Comfort him with some of it.”

The rich man said, “I will do so then.”

The poor man then spoke, “I am in no need of it.”

The Prophet said, “Then ask Allah to forgive your brother, and supplicate for him.”

Source : Stories of Repentance – by Muhammad Abduh Mughawiri

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