Du’a : Oh Allah, have mercy on me..

Oh Allah, have mercy on us in the name of the great Quran,
make it for us a guide and light,
And guidance and mercy,


Oh Allah, make us remember that of it which we have forgotten,
Make us know of it, that which we have become ignorant of,
And make us recite it in the hours of the night and day,
And make it an argument for us, O sustainer of all the worlds,


Oh Allah, set right our faith which is the safeguard of all our affairs,
And set right for us our world affairs wherein are our living,
And set right for us our hereafter on which depends our after life,
And make our life a source of abundance of every good,
And make our death a source of protection for me, protecting us from every evil,


Oh Allah! Make the best part of our life the end of it,
And the last of our deeds the best one,
And the best of our days, the day we meet you,


Oh Allah! We ask of you the best whilst living,
And ask for a good death,
And not a shameful or embarassing return,


Oh Allah! We ask you for the best affair,
The best suplication,
The best success,
The best knowledge,
The best deed,
The best reward,
The best life,
And The best death.
Keep us upright,
Make our scale heavy,
confirm our faith,
raise high our status (in the hereafter),
Accept our Salah,
And forgive our sins,
We ask you for high positions in Paradise,


Oh Allah, forgive us, forgive our sins we have done, please..


Oh Allah,  guide us on the right path you love, we know we have done so much sins,
but you love to forgive, so forgive us for that,
please forgive us for the sins we committed in the past and those we will commit in the future,


Oh Allah, have Mercy on all the Muslimeen, and guide them,


Guide me Oh Allah,
and guide my parents,
my siblings,
my wife and children,
my cousins,
my aunts and uncles,
my nephews and nieces,
all my relatives and friends and so forth,


Oh Allah, I ask You to strengthen my iman and those around me,
I ask You to soften my heart,
and to soften the hearts of all the Believers,


Oh Allah, forgive me for my shortcomings,
for only You are Perfect,


Oh Allah, please forgive me for all the salah I missed because of ignorance or laziness,
please forgive me for all the fasts I didn’t make up,
thinking it was “alright, since I fasted most of the days anyway”,


Oh Allah, please spark the love of Islam in my heart,
and in the hearts of every single Muslim,
until it gets implanted in their children and their childern’s children and so on,


Oh Allah, I ask that You help us for we are weak,
and will only grow stronger by Your Strength,
so Allah please Strengthen all of us to fight Shaytaan and his whispers,
And if we ever fell into his trap and followed our desire,
then sincerely forgive us, for that displays not only our weakness, but Your Greatness as well,


Oh Allah, Rab al-Alameen,
forgive me, forgive me for everything,
So for everyone, every single Muslim, dead or alive, I do du’a that you forgive them for all their sins,


Oh Allah, please lighten the punishment in the grave for those before us and those after us,
Please Allah, lighten the punishment and please shed light into every Muslim’s grave,


Oh Allah! We ask you obligation of your mercy,
And determination of your forgiveness,
And the peace of every sin,
And the booty of every reward,
And Winning Paradise,
And surviving from Hell,


Oh Allah! make the result of all our affairs good,
And deliver us from the disgrace of this world and the torment of the hereafter,


Oh Allah! Distribute between us the heedfullness necessary to come between us and the commision of wrong against you,
The obedience necessary for us to gain admission into paradise,
And the unswerving faith necessary to minimise for us the tribulations in this world,


Oh Allah! Allow us to enjoy our hearing, our sight, and our strength for as long as we live,
And make that enjoyment our heir(so that the people that we have befitted could pray for us), and place our vengeance on those that have wronged us,
And give us victory over our enemies,
And try us not in our faith,
Neither make this world our greates concern,
or the extent of our knowledge,
Nor give power over us to those who would oppress us,


Oh Allah! Leave no sins of ours in this assembley unforgiven,
Nor any grief without being relieved,
Nor any debt without being paid,
Nor any difficulty in this life or the hereafter without being facilitated,
Oh the most merciful of all that is Merciful,


Our Lord! Give us the good of this world and the hereafter,
And save us from the torment of the fire,


Oh Allah! send peace and salutation upon Muhammad (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and his family, his companions and those that follow him,




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  1. Selam alejkum. Can you, dear brothers, put the original arapic text on the site and eventually a transliteration. May Allah s.w.t. reward you. Tekabellah minna we minkum.

  2. Subuhanallah!

    Very useful doa.

    Jazakallahu Kahiran


  4. Jazakallah khair.
    Please make du’a that Allah answers my du?a as u read this.

  5. suleimansibrahim@mtnnigeria.blackberry.com


  6. Zakallahu khair, masha Allah. May Allah accept our Ibadat and dua.(Ameen).

  7. hadiza mohammedh


  8. Jazakallahu khairan

  9. Ameen summa ameen