Deceptions of the World Today

Deceptions of the World Today
Source : The Truth That World Should Know


Approximately for the last 200 years, the minds of each and every citizen of the world have been influenced or programmed to think the wrong things were the right ones.

The history is written or modified by somebody whose credibility is unknown and we were forced to believe what they said is true. Based on the false theories we start to build new theories. As a result the whole human kind is misled to falsehood. The reason is, we do not want to ask questions against the pre-defined theories.


Did Columbus discover America?

We believe and trust that America was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492. But how can anyone discover a land where people already living. Columbus was thinking the land is India. Only in 1502-4 Amerigo Vespucci published in his travel journal, that the discovered land is not India, but a new continent. So the land of “Red Indians” (Native Americans) was named after his first name “Amerigo”. But historically, British had downplayed Columbus and emphasized the role of John Cabot as a pioneer explorer. But for the emerging United States, Cabot made a poor national hero. So the role of Columbus discovery or America is highly controversial and subjective.


Our concept of Hero

We are almost near to the reality that we have to redefine the word “Hero”. The reason being, If we pose a question to ordinary citizen “Who’s your hero?” The answer could be anything like Rolando, Steven seagal, 50 cent and the list goes on. But the question is how many Muslims say that “Muhammad (SAW) is my hero” and how many non-Muslims are saying “My Dad is my hero”.

We are forced to move away from the truth. Media plays the main role in deception. Very little light is shed on people who worked for the society and died for that reason.

In Islam, The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:

“Do not wish to be like anyone except in two cases. (The first is) A person, whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it righteously; (the second is) the one whom Allah has given wisdom (the Holy Quran) and he acts according to it and teaches it to others.” (Bukhari :: Book 1 :: Volume 3 :: Hadith 73)

Freedom of speech

The other ridiculous fact in the 20th century is the term “Freedom of speech”, especially in European countries and in US. Because it means you can speak anything even it hurts some group of people.

We all know the immense support that Salman Rushdie received from the British government and all over the world for his book “Satanic verses” in the name of “Freedom of speech”, but anyone who read the book will never support Salman Rushdie or support the mistaken concept of “freedom of speech”. In his satanic verses, the British are called sisterf*****s, bastards and stating that all white women are fit for “only f***ing and throwing over”.

They don’t even read the book to know what the book really says. This clearly shows the mentality of blindly supporting anything against Islam.

In the name of globalization and westernization, one’s culture is polluted and moralities were questioned. So we need to be really careful since falsehood is in disguise as the truth.

About navedz

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  1. Thanx for the repost brother. here are some extention on what i feel on this deceptions.

    I was watching the lecture of Imam Sulaiman Mulla from South Africa the other day. One of the points what he said was really made me think and realize how we are distancing ourselves from Sunnah and shariah. He said “The man, whom my mom gave birth after/before me, is my brother, because my mom told me that he is my brother. But any Muslim is my brother /sister because ALLAH has told me”.
    “Verily, this brotherhood of yours is a single brotherhood, and I am your Lord and Cherisher: therefore serve Me (and no other).” 021.092 AL-ANBIYA (THE PROPHETS)
    In most cases when we talk about shariah rule and Sunnah in Muslim gatherings, it’s unfortunate that we will be considered as outdated and radical Muslims. But the scientists accepts
    The other day I was talking to my mother, who had a big trouble with her own brother and they don’t talk to each others for years. So it’s basically against the Sunnah of Rasulullah (saw).So I mentioned her this hadith
    Prophet, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, said the Muslim is not allowed to disassociate himself from the others for more than three days.
    And that brought me lot of trouble at home. But to me, I didn’t feel bad that I hurt her by mentioning the hadith, but rather I felt it’s a jihad for me to try my best to follow the right path, InshaALLAH.
    Regrettably, it’s the very truth of Ummah of rasulullah in these days. I had been in the weddings that were held in Friday prayer time and most of the people including the bride-groom didn’t go for the prayer. When I said it’s wrong I was seen as a guy talking wrong thing at the wrong time.
    The reason for all these is we are living in a world full of deceptions. People are exploited without their knowledge for money by the media. Children are growing up and learning “Morals” from the television shows and videogames. Our majority of youths are addicted to the football, music and their false heroes. Gays and lesbians are kissing in the public in the name of liberation and democracy.
    So I am wondering the following 10 sickness of heart very true. (taken from Source:
    1. You believe in the existence of Allah (SWT) but you do not fulfill His Commands.
    2. You say you love the Prophet Mohammed (SAW) but you do not follow his Sunnah.
    3. You read the Holy Qur’an but you do not put it into practice.
    4. You enjoy all the benefits from Allah (SWT) but you are not grateful to him.
    5. You acknowledge Shaitan as your enemy but you do not go against him.
    6. You want to enter Paradise but you do not work for it.
    7. You do not want to be thrown into Hell-Fire but you do not try to run away from it.
    8. You believe that every living-thing will face death but you do not prepare for it.
    9. You gossip and find faults in others but you forget your own faults and habits.
    10. You bury the Dead but you do not take a lesson from it.

    Jazakallah Khair

    • JazakAllah brother for the above inputs. I already have the 10 sickness of hearts posted (sometime last year) on my blog.. from the same source.

      Thank you for your valuable inputs here.

      Allah Hafiz!