Allah Loves those who do Good

One day, when Ja’far As-Sadiq wanted to perform ablution, he asked his slave to pour water on his hands from a jug. As the slave began to pour out the water, the jug fell onto the face and injured some part of his face,which resulted in Ja’far giving his slave a reproachful look. Fearing punishment, the servant said:

“Who repress anger.” *

Ja’far reassuringly said, “I have repressed my anger.”

“And who pardon men”, * said the slave.

“Indeed I pardoned you,” said Ja’far.

“Verily Allah loves Al-Muhsinun (the good-doers),” * said the slave expectantly.

“Go: You are free for the sake of Allah (Azza-wa-jal), and you may take from my wealth 1000 dinars [gold coins].”

* (Surah Ali ‘Imran 3:134) “Those who spend (freely), whether in prosperity, or in adversity; who restrain anger, and pardon (all) men;- for Allah loves those who do good;-“

Source : Bahrud-Dumu’ pgs.173-174, “Glimpses of the Lives of Righteous People” – by Majdi Muhammad Ash-Shahawi

About navedz

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  1. Subhanallah

    Hope everyone can repress anger and forgive them for sake of Allah

    I love you blog brother

    Assalamu Alaikum