A Parent’s Love

Once, for some reason, a king gave orders for a father and I his son to be thrashed.

“Tie them to those columns and give them each a hundred strokes with that cane. Start with the father, that would be much better.”

The guard said to the father: “Stand still old man. Let me tie you. Now be ready for I’m starting, 1, 2, 3, ………………. 98, 99, 100.”

“All right, that’s enough. Now it’s the son’s turn, tie him up and beat him,” said the king.

“Come on boy, stand beside this column and give me your hands,” said the guard.

“Oh, no, please, for God’s sake, don’t beat my son. Stop beating,” the father pleaded.

“Huh! You endured a hundred strokes without saying so much as a word. But now that your son is being beaten, how is it that you’re wailing and weeping?” exclaimed the king.

“The first hundred strokes were not too hard to bear, but these strokes are tearing my heart apart. I can’t stand the pain.” replied the father.

About navedz

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  1. salamunalaikum!

    Mashallah ! a story of deep love of a father for his son.

    shukran for sharing.

  2. i wish the children also should have the same pain for the parents.