Your Speech Follows Up on You, it Pursues You, and it Holds You to Account — Shaikh Salih Al-Fawzan
Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu alayhi wassallam) said: “Whoever believes in Allaah and the Last Day; then let him speak good or else remain silent.” [Sahih Bukhari]
So if you remain silent and quiet, then you will be safe. But if you speak, then in that case you will fall into hardship and constriction — due to the speech that you have spoken.
So speech is dangerous, and it is not the case that speech is just carried away by the winds and then it’s finished. No! It follows up on you, and it pursues you, and it is recorded for you, and you shall be recompensed for it on the Day of Standing.
And it has an effect upon your behaviour, and your actions — and it can likewise cause you to become disliked by the people. For the people hate the tale-carrier, they hate the slanderer, they hate the foul-mouthed and abusive one. The Muslim should not be foul-mouthed.
He should not be an abusive slanderer, nor a reviler, and nor should he be foul-mouthed, nor abusive. These are not from the manners of the Muslim.
So upon you is to purify yourself from these evil manners, and to beware of your tongue, and to restrain it from false and evil speech — for if you do not, it will cause you to be burned in the Fire.
And likewise, a person may say a word that nullifies his good deeds — such as the one who says: ‘By Allaah! Allaah will not forgive such and such a person.’
Allaah says: ‘Verily I have forgiven him, and I have nullified your good deeds.’ [Hadith Qudsi]
We ask Allaah for safety and security.
Translation: Abdullah Ibn Abdul-Wahid Alam
Wallaahi, one must be careful of every word they utter. May Allah have mercy and give us ease.